Дополнения (DLC) к Crusader Kings 2 - Страница 47 - Crusader Kings 2 / Крестоносцы 2 - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Дополнения (DLC) к Crusader Kings 2

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 Данная тема предназначена для размещения патчей Crusader Kings 2



Актуальная версия игры - 3.3.4

Самый "свежий" патч в наличии - 3.3.3


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. )

(для установки требуется наличие версии игры 3.3.0 "Holy Fury / Священная ярость")


Патч привносит мелкие изменения, сохранения от версии 3.3.0 совместимы с патчем.



################ 3.3.3 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.2 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- Fixed a potential security issue.

################ 3.3.1 ##################

# Bug Fixes
- EU4 converter now outputs the resulting mod directly to the EU4 user folder so that it can be found by the launcher.


Инструкция по установке патча

Файлы из архива распаковать/скопировать в корневую папку игры, согласиться с заменой.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  ( hotfix не требуется)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. (Включает Warrior Queen DLC)



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (JWMQ) 2015-06-11



Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (OSRS) 2014-04-11

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  (XLME) 2014-04-09


Изменено пользователем Labes
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Инструкция (для Linux):

1. Ставим Proton в пункте совместимости параметров игры, ждем пока обновится игра.

2. Качаем DLC и активатор Мидгарда с главной темы

3. Перекидываем в папку CK2

4. Копируем скрипт в файл без расширения с сайта ниже. (для запуска активатора в протон префиксе CK2)
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


4.1. Устанавливаем дополнительные зависимости в терминале. На РАЧ линукс команда такая:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

На других дистрах качайте те же самые, только в других пакетных менеджерах.

5. Редактируем данные строчки в скрипте, если у вас где-то в другом месте стим находится

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Лучше сначала ничего не редактировать, ибо тут указана стандартная директория стима для РАЧ линукс и пр. Если в итоге у вас не заработает. то обратите на этот пункт внимание.


6. Сохраняем под любым названием. Перекидываем скрипт в папку /usr/bin/ (потребуются права рут пользователя), открываем терминал в этой папке.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

7. Открываем терминал в папке с игрой и пишем.

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Затем у вас должен высветиться пронумерованный список с версиями Протонов. Ставим цифру в соответствии с пунктом списка с вашей версией Протона. 
Далее у вас высветится список с доступными префиксами, выбираем префикс Crusader Kings II, опять же ставим в соответствии с пунктом списка цифру.

Затем скрипт спросит, нужно ли грузится через вайн. Вы пишите N, т.е нет, т.к в стиме стоит именно Протон, а не чистый вайн (если Y поставить - не пашет у меня).


8. Удаляем из папки с игрой CK2game.exe и проверяем на целостность файлов игру в стиме. 

9. Запускаем

Вроде бы ничего не упустил. 

Изменено пользователем マッドサイエンティスト
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Для Windows:


Надо подкорректировать второй пункт. Я привык, что другие игры надо до меню запускать.


Новый активатор. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

1. Распаковываем файл ActivatorCKII в корень игры.
2. Запускаем ActivatorCKII, закрываем. ActivatorCKII можно удалить.

Если запускаете активатор без включенного стима, то DLC не будут отображаться активированными в лаунчере - это нормально.
3. Играем.

Изменено пользователем マッドサイエンティスト
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Закреплённые сообщения
Подскажите пожалуйста, как активировать DLC для лицензии? Скинул в Steam в папку DLC, но это ничего не дало. В каком файле нужно что прописать, или же есть программа активатора?

Я даже достижения получаю в стим связанные с дсл . без каких либо проблем.

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Thx for posting here and spreading the love...

Long live Russia. :035:

Sorry for English...

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Thx for posting here and spreading the love...

Long live Russia. :035:

Sorry for English...

Glad to see you here and thanks for your awesome updates! :JC_goodpost:

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Патч от RezMar лишь для обладателей игры версии 2.2

Поставил этот патч и заметил одну странность: во всех провинциях теперь максимум поддержки войск 100к(!).

Играю за славянских язычников.

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Поставил этот патч и заметил одну странность: во всех провинциях теперь максимум поддержки войск 100к(!).

Играю за славянских язычников.

тоже хочу, а то в перми и финляндии в основном аж 100 всего стало, было по 500 =)

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Нет. Активатор на мой взгляд является лишним в данной сборнике.

Ссылка на активатор

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

А, всё понял. У меня ДЛС активировались без него.

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тоже хочу, а то в перми и финляндии в основном аж 100 всего стало, было по 500 =)

Точно! Не 100к, а просто 100.0. Ерунда какая-то!

Хотя через некоторое время всё исправилось и стало нормальным. Но странно...

Изменено пользователем Ollor
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Поставил этот патч и заметил одну странность: во всех провинциях теперь максимум поддержки войск 100к(!).

Играю за славянских язычников.

у меня 2.2 и такой же баг. появляется он только после загрузки игры и самоустраняется почти сразу же.

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

2014-10-XX v2.2.0.2 BETAНажмите здесь!



- Disabled the Depose Liege CB and the Weaken Fellow Vassal plots for not working well enough

- Fixed an issue where adventurers would no longer spawn fleets correctly

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to focus more on the current capital duchy region for the primary heir rather than the "preferred" capital

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to take no heed of what heirs will inherit from outside your realm


- Fixed bug where combats with multiple units on one side would always pick the WORST leader for each flank

- You can now only complete the "Become Exalted Among Men" ambition once per lifetime.

- Fixed OOS if all players did not reselect their characters after the last player had loaded the save.

- Tribals will now upgrade towards castle if their liege is feudal and city if their liege is republic.

- Removed the vassal king opinion penalty.

- Faction CBs are now invalidated when the liege is in a faction.

- The Byzantine free revoke on duchies are now in the Imperial Administration law.

- If the Charlemagne DLC is enabled, the Byzantine free revoke on duchies only applies to Viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where the Centralization law was reset to the first level when enabling High Tribal Organization.

- The viceroyalty status of titles are now reset when the top liege gets the title, instead of just the liege.

- Lowered the opinion penalty for feudal vassals for granted viceroyalties (was -5 for king viceroys and -2 for duke viceroys, is now -2 for kings and -1 for dukes).

- Vassals can now grant viceroyalties if their topliege have laws allowing this and they have viceroyalty titles to give away.

- The viceroyalty flag for titles now resets when the topliege inherits the title, not just the liege.

- Viceroyalty titles can no longer be given as a normal title to a vassal.

- Added missing decision icon for offering to help with lieges titles.

- Minor localization fixes for events.

- Viceroyalties now provide their lieges with fewer levies.

- Fixed bug where overridden tribal holdings were not properly removed.

- The decisions for forming kingdoms and empires now have their succession laws inherited from the base title.

- Fixed CTD when using the console to increase attributes and the target character was dead.

- Event when regent is in on plot to lower tribal organization now have the right localization.

- Crash fixes for total conversion mods when learning scenario characters did not exist.

- Fixed republican succession where the capital was not a county capital.

- Tribal buildings now show what castle and city buildings they convert to in their tooltip.

- Republics now use their succession laws properly for all their titles and not just some of them.

- Fixed bug where looters were able to siege several holdings in one province simultaneously.

- Fixed broken calculation of months when determining if the war is undecided.

- Fixed bug where characters selected before loading a save was still the selected character after the save was loaded.

- Fixed issue where the exported chronicle showed the wrong year.

- Fixed bug where chronicle entries were missing from the chronicle.

- Characters with portraits in the chronicle will no longer be pruned from the database.

- Fixed bug where filler-entries showed the wrong year.

- The call all tribal allies tooltip now tells you when you can not call tribal vassals.

- AI no longer changes viceroyalty laws to handle being over vassal limit.

- Tribals and pagans can now raid others of the same religion.

- Triggered modifiers will no longer be added repeatedly and will be removed when no longer valid.

- Fixed bug where succession laws inherited from viceroyalties defaulted to gavelkind instead of the intended law.

- It is no longer possible to destroy viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where factions to change succession laws were allowed against viceroyalties.

- When copying laws from viceroyalties, the liege title will be used for copying the laws.

- Fixed bug where the mongols could enact the open elective law.

- Viceroyalties can no longer change succession laws.

- Pressing "G" when having several units selected will now merge the units instead of changning mapmode.

- Blocked several CB's and plots against viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where characters lost the viceroyalty-tag on their titles when they rebelled against their liege.

- Fixed bug where characters did not lose the viceroyalty-tag when they inherited their top liege title.

- Forming a merchant republic no longer creates a patrician of your own dynasty vassal.

- Mercenary costs are now calculated properly before raising them.


- Added copy_title_laws flag to the create_title effect (yes will copy laws from the base title)

- The priority_shortcut flag in interface scripts can now be used to define priority shortcuts. Priority shortcuts will fire before any other shortcuts.

- Added error log message for assigning is_viceroyalty in history where the title is owned by the top liege.

Изменено пользователем Старожил №76
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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

2014-10-XX v2.2.0.2 BETAНажмите здесь!



- Disabled the Depose Liege CB and the Weaken Fellow Vassal plots for not working well enough

- Fixed an issue where adventurers would no longer spawn fleets correctly

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to focus more on the current capital duchy region for the primary heir rather than the "preferred" capital

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to take no heed of what heirs will inherit from outside your realm


- Fixed bug where combats with multiple units on one side would always pick the WORST leader for each flank

- You can now only complete the "Become Exalted Among Men" ambition once per lifetime.

- Fixed OOS if all players did not reselect their characters after the last player had loaded the save.

- Tribals will now upgrade towards castle if their liege is feudal and city if their liege is republic.

- Removed the vassal king opinion penalty.

- Faction CBs are now invalidated when the liege is in a faction.

- The Byzantine free revoke on duchies are now in the Imperial Administration law.

- If the Charlemagne DLC is enabled, the Byzantine free revoke on duchies only applies to Viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where the Centralization law was reset to the first level when enabling High Tribal Organization.

- The viceroyalty status of titles are now reset when the top liege gets the title, instead of just the liege.

- Lowered the opinion penalty for feudal vassals for granted viceroyalties (was -5 for king viceroys and -2 for duke viceroys, is now -2 for kings and -1 for dukes).

- Vassals can now grant viceroyalties if their topliege have laws allowing this and they have viceroyalty titles to give away.

- The viceroyalty flag for titles now resets when the topliege inherits the title, not just the liege.

- Viceroyalty titles can no longer be given as a normal title to a vassal.

- Added missing decision icon for offering to help with lieges titles.

- Minor localization fixes for events.

- Viceroyalties now provide their lieges with fewer levies.

- Fixed bug where overridden tribal holdings were not properly removed.

- The decisions for forming kingdoms and empires now have their succession laws inherited from the base title.

- Fixed CTD when using the console to increase attributes and the target character was dead.

- Event when regent is in on plot to lower tribal organization now have the right localization.

- Crash fixes for total conversion mods when learning scenario characters did not exist.

- Fixed republican succession where the capital was not a county capital.

- Tribal buildings now show what castle and city buildings they convert to in their tooltip.

- Republics now use their succession laws properly for all their titles and not just some of them.

- Fixed bug where looters were able to siege several holdings in one province simultaneously.

- Fixed broken calculation of months when determining if the war is undecided.

- Fixed bug where characters selected before loading a save was still the selected character after the save was loaded.

- Fixed issue where the exported chronicle showed the wrong year.

- Fixed bug where chronicle entries were missing from the chronicle.

- Characters with portraits in the chronicle will no longer be pruned from the database.

- Fixed bug where filler-entries showed the wrong year.

- The call all tribal allies tooltip now tells you when you can not call tribal vassals.

- AI no longer changes viceroyalty laws to handle being over vassal limit.

- Tribals and pagans can now raid others of the same religion.

- Triggered modifiers will no longer be added repeatedly and will be removed when no longer valid.

- Fixed bug where succession laws inherited from viceroyalties defaulted to gavelkind instead of the intended law.

- It is no longer possible to destroy viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where factions to change succession laws were allowed against viceroyalties.

- When copying laws from viceroyalties, the liege title will be used for copying the laws.

- Fixed bug where the mongols could enact the open elective law.

- Viceroyalties can no longer change succession laws.

- Pressing "G" when having several units selected will now merge the units instead of changning mapmode.

- Blocked several CB's and plots against viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where characters lost the viceroyalty-tag on their titles when they rebelled against their liege.

- Fixed bug where characters did not lose the viceroyalty-tag when they inherited their top liege title.

- Forming a merchant republic no longer creates a patrician of your own dynasty vassal.

- Mercenary costs are now calculated properly before raising them.


- Added copy_title_laws flag to the create_title effect (yes will copy laws from the base title)

- The priority_shortcut flag in interface scripts can now be used to define priority shortcuts. Priority shortcuts will fire before any other shortcuts.

- Added error log message for assigning is_viceroyalty in history where the title is owned by the top liege.


Чексумма (GQEV) отличается от заявленной (UBOE)

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Бета - патч от RezMar лишь для обладателей игры версии 2.2 и выше:

- скачиваем архив: <noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- помещаем из архива в папку с игрой файл CLEANUP.bat и запускаем его ;

- после завершения процесса можно его удалить;

- перемещаем из папки UPDATE все файлы в папку с игрой;

- соглашаемся с заменой и наслаждаемся игрой

P.S. Не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга :JC_doubleup:

Изменено пользователем vitovt13
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Hi again me... :rolleyes: Sorry for English again...

Did they update DLCs for new beta v2.2.0.2.

Or are the same from previous versions?

Thx in advance...

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Бета - патч от RezMar лишь для обладателей игры версии 2.2 и выше:

- скачиваем архив: <noindex>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. </noindex>

- помещаем из архива в папку с игрой файл CLEANUP.bat и запускаем его ;

- после завершения процесса можно его удалить;

- перемещаем из папки UPDATE все файлы в папку с игрой;

- соглашаемся с заменой и наслаждаемся игрой

P.S. Не забываем благодарить нашего иностранного друга :JC_doubleup:

You are the best! Спасибо за патчи.

Изменено пользователем Fantas
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You are the best! Спасибо за патчи.

Все благодарности и плюсы в репу RezMar'у. Я всего лишь занимаюсь копипастом.

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После установки бета-патчей сейвы с версии 2.2 не будут работать, верно? Есть ли способ это исправить или только начать новую игру?

Ссылка на комментарий

После установки бета-патчей сейвы с версии 2.2 не будут работать, верно? Есть ли способ это исправить или только начать новую игру?

Работать будут - я так продолжал партию за Свитьод (с 2.2 на

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Патч ломает сейвы. После установки выяснилось, что брат моего персонажа, по совместительству глава ордена Тамплиеров, стал французом и вообще давно умер :lol:

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Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

2014-10-XX v2.2.0.2 BETAНажмите здесь!



- Disabled the Depose Liege CB and the Weaken Fellow Vassal plots for not working well enough

- Fixed an issue where adventurers would no longer spawn fleets correctly

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to focus more on the current capital duchy region for the primary heir rather than the "preferred" capital

- Tweaked Gavelkind succession to take no heed of what heirs will inherit from outside your realm


- Fixed bug where combats with multiple units on one side would always pick the WORST leader for each flank

- You can now only complete the "Become Exalted Among Men" ambition once per lifetime.

- Fixed OOS if all players did not reselect their characters after the last player had loaded the save.

- Tribals will now upgrade towards castle if their liege is feudal and city if their liege is republic.

- Removed the vassal king opinion penalty.

- Faction CBs are now invalidated when the liege is in a faction.

- The Byzantine free revoke on duchies are now in the Imperial Administration law.

- If the Charlemagne DLC is enabled, the Byzantine free revoke on duchies only applies to Viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where the Centralization law was reset to the first level when enabling High Tribal Organization.

- The viceroyalty status of titles are now reset when the top liege gets the title, instead of just the liege.

- Lowered the opinion penalty for feudal vassals for granted viceroyalties (was -5 for king viceroys and -2 for duke viceroys, is now -2 for kings and -1 for dukes).

- Vassals can now grant viceroyalties if their topliege have laws allowing this and they have viceroyalty titles to give away.

- The viceroyalty flag for titles now resets when the topliege inherits the title, not just the liege.

- Viceroyalty titles can no longer be given as a normal title to a vassal.

- Added missing decision icon for offering to help with lieges titles.

- Minor localization fixes for events.

- Viceroyalties now provide their lieges with fewer levies.

- Fixed bug where overridden tribal holdings were not properly removed.

- The decisions for forming kingdoms and empires now have their succession laws inherited from the base title.

- Fixed CTD when using the console to increase attributes and the target character was dead.

- Event when regent is in on plot to lower tribal organization now have the right localization.

- Crash fixes for total conversion mods when learning scenario characters did not exist.

- Fixed republican succession where the capital was not a county capital.

- Tribal buildings now show what castle and city buildings they convert to in their tooltip.

- Republics now use their succession laws properly for all their titles and not just some of them.

- Fixed bug where looters were able to siege several holdings in one province simultaneously.

- Fixed broken calculation of months when determining if the war is undecided.

- Fixed bug where characters selected before loading a save was still the selected character after the save was loaded.

- Fixed issue where the exported chronicle showed the wrong year.

- Fixed bug where chronicle entries were missing from the chronicle.

- Characters with portraits in the chronicle will no longer be pruned from the database.

- Fixed bug where filler-entries showed the wrong year.

- The call all tribal allies tooltip now tells you when you can not call tribal vassals.

- AI no longer changes viceroyalty laws to handle being over vassal limit.

- Tribals and pagans can now raid others of the same religion.

- Triggered modifiers will no longer be added repeatedly and will be removed when no longer valid.

- Fixed bug where succession laws inherited from viceroyalties defaulted to gavelkind instead of the intended law.

- It is no longer possible to destroy viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where factions to change succession laws were allowed against viceroyalties.

- When copying laws from viceroyalties, the liege title will be used for copying the laws.

- Fixed bug where the mongols could enact the open elective law.

- Viceroyalties can no longer change succession laws.

- Pressing "G" when having several units selected will now merge the units instead of changning mapmode.

- Blocked several CB's and plots against viceroyalties.

- Fixed bug where characters lost the viceroyalty-tag on their titles when they rebelled against their liege.

- Fixed bug where characters did not lose the viceroyalty-tag when they inherited their top liege title.

- Forming a merchant republic no longer creates a patrician of your own dynasty vassal.

- Mercenary costs are now calculated properly before raising them.


- Added copy_title_laws flag to the create_title effect (yes will copy laws from the base title)

- The priority_shortcut flag in interface scripts can now be used to define priority shortcuts. Priority shortcuts will fire before any other shortcuts.

- Added error log message for assigning is_viceroyalty in history where the title is owned by the top liege.


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- Fixed CTD in Religion Tab if you do not own sons of abraham


- Corrected the tech requirement of getting rid of pagan homeland attrition.

- Tweaked the supply modifier of pagan homeland attrition.

- Fixed error in vassalization of holy order decision

- Usurped titles no longer inherit laws from the previous title if they usurped the title from within that realm or if they were unlanded.

- The Ironman-button in the lobby now correctly show if ironman is enabled or not.

- Fixed bug where titles could not be destroyed.

- Fixed bug where the duchy of Thrace was a viceroyalty while held by the emperor.

- Added missing newline in the Renounce Iconoclasm tooltip.

- Fixed bug where administration laws were reset to feudal when changing religion.

- Revolts no longer count towards vassal limit.

- Fixed bug where the Byzantine duchy revoke did not work upon reloading a save.

- The event where marshal raised raiders are dismissed now properly refers to your marshal instead of the court chaplain.

- Marshal raised raiders are now dismissed first after a month if they are not in use.

- The convert to Andalusian decision is no longer available for Andalucians.

- Form a new Empire now require you to have either 3 kingdom titles or a realm size of 180, instead of both.

- Fixed an issue with the "Convert to Local Religion" and "Abandon Heresy" event triggers.

- Changed or expanded name lists for several cultures.

- The new culture conversion events and decisions no longer require the Charlemagne DLC.

- Fixed some Frankish characters in 769 start who were prematurely calling themselves French.

- Fixed some issues with Holstein province history.

- All byzantine emperors will now have clothes regardless of what DLCs are enabled.

- Byzantine children are no longer invisible when playing with Early Eastern Clothing Pack enabled and Mediterranean Portraits disabled.

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