Технические вопросы по игре Европа 4 - Страница 300 - Europa Universalis 4 / Европа Универсалис 4 - Strategium.ru Перейти к содержимому

Технические вопросы по игре Европа 4

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No Good



Europa Universalis IV (RU)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Задать технический вопрос | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Минимальные системные требования


Microsoft Windows:

  • Версии: Windows 7/Windows 8 64-bit
  • Процессор: Intel Pentium IV 2.4 GHz, AMD 3500+
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB
  • Жесткий диск: не менее 2 GB свободного места
  • Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce 8800, ATI Radeon X1900, 1024 MB
  • Звуковая карта: совместимая с DirectX
  • DirectX: 9.0c


Apple macOS:

  • Версии: Mac OS X 10.9 или новее
  • Процессор: Intel Core Duo 2 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB
  • Жесткий диск: не менее 2 GB свободного места
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 320, NVIDIA GeForce 9600, ATI Radeon HD 6750, 1024 MB
  • Дополнительно: GLSL 1.3, OpenGL 2.1



  • Версии: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS или новее
  • Процессор: Intel Core Duo 2 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB
  • Жесткий диск: не менее 2 GB свободного места
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 320, NVIDIA GeForce 9600, ATI Radeon HD 6750, 1024 MB
  • Дополнительно: GLSL 1.3, OpenGL 2.1



Уважаемые форумчане! Если у вас возникла техническая неисправность и вы смогли её решить или вам подсказали как это сделать, не ленитесь и отпишитесь — какая была проблема, чем она, вероятно, была вызвана и как она было решена.


Ярослав33 писал:
Благодаря фиксу таблетки 3dm форумчанина Midgard, теперь активируются все DLC.

1) Скачать Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. , который содержит таблетку от 3DM (рабочая).

2) Предварительно скопируйте файл steam_api.dll из папки с Europa Universalis IV.

3) Распакуйте архив и содержимое папки Crack 3DM поместите в папку Europa Universalis IV.

4) Запустите игру и проверьте наличие DLC.

5) Закройте игру. Ранее скопированный файл из пункта 2 переместите в папку Europa Universalis IV.

6) Запустите игру.


UncleVasyaAI писал:
Патч для запуска на WinXP: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

1) Скачать архив.

2) Распаковать в папку с игрой.

3) Запустить xp_patch_EU4.cmd

Для Stellaris тоже работает, так что наша Хрюша еще в строю B)


Кому интересно, исходный код патча: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Версия 1.12 не запускается на Win XP 32-bit.

Несколько человек писали о том, что игра перестала работать после патча:

Точка входа в процедуру GetThreadId не найдена в DLL KERNEL32.dll

Мне удалось это исправить.


Скачать фикс

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Распаковать архив в папку с игрой.


В чем была проблема

В ченжлоге написано, что чексумма теперь рассчитывается в отдельном потоке. При этом используют системную функцию GetThreadId(), котороая находится в файле kernel32.dll в папке с виндой.

Но эта функция в винде появилась в версиях после WinXP 32-bit. Поэтому на нашей хрюше игра не запускается.

Вот так просто Парадоксы похерили совместимость, не захотели разбираться и убрали XP из Системных требований Common Sense: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Суть фикса

- собрал библиотеку zernel32.dll, в которой добавил нужную функцию;

- подключил к eu4.exe;



Фикс предназначен только для:

- исправления ошибки GetThreadId при запуске игры на WinXP 32-bit;

Ни от чего другого не поможет :)


Товарищам на WinXP 32-bit

Отпишитесь о работе или не работе фикса на ваших машинах :)



В: Народ,помогите,после патча 1.8 не работают сохранение,файлы не появляются,что делать?

О: Минимальные требования у игры: 3 гигабайта оперативной памяти! Если у вас свыше трёх гигабайтов и 32-х битная система, попробуйте следующий способ (WindowsVista и выше):


1)Открыть командную строку (cmd.exe) от имени администратора.

2)Вставить в командную строку это: bcdedit /set increaseuserva 2560

3)Нажать ENTER и перезагрузить компьютер.

4)Вернуть обратно (если понадобится): bcdedit /deletevalue increaseuserva

(в других источниках встречается информация, что вставлять можно и 3072 вместо 2560.

WhiteBear писал:
Посмотреть объем памяти, отведённой приложению, можно по команде "bcdedit /enum osloader" (число рядом с "increaseuserva")

Возможный вариант решения проблемы с сохранениями для Windows XP x32 расписывается Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .



В: Кто поделится как лечить баг с загрузкой сохранений. Я уже писал тут в топике что явно дело связано не с оперативной памятью. Докупил себе ещё 4 ГБ памяти а баг не проходит. Может кто знает как обойти баг. Сохранения работают на протяжени лет так 25-30 от того момента как начинаеш играть а потом идут вылеты.

О: Решил провести опыт и сохранял только в steam cloud , всё работает и загружает отлично, a при сохранении на локалку, при загрузке ошибка сейва


В: У меня при автосохранении выскакивает предупреждение - ошибка резервирования сохранения.



О: Попробуйте изменить путь до папки сохранений, чтобы он не содержал кириллицы.


Проблема заключается в наличии кириллических символов в пути к папке с сохранениями. 

Изменение пути ко ВСЕЙ папке "Мои документы" системными средствами.
а). Кликаем правой кнопкой мыши на эту папку; б). Заходим в "Свойства"; в). Находим вкладку "Расположение" и открываем её; г). В строке прописываем ЛЮБОЙ путь на ЛЮБОМ диске латиницей (!); д). Нажимаем "Переместить", а затем "ОК".



@antiximik Действительно есть решение гораздо проще и элегантнее справляющееся с переносом пользовательских папок парадоксовских игр, чем вмешательство в реестр или правка системных переменных и прочие страшные для рядового пользователя вещи.


Создается в корневой папке игры обычный текстовый файл с названием userdir и в него вписывается желаемый путь. Далее запускается игра и теряются настройки и сейвы, а у флибустьеров еще и активация на dlc. А все почему? Потому что нужно было заранее озаботиться переносом этой папки по указанному пути. Игра просто создаст свои файлы заново на новом месте, если оно пусто.

Поэтому после создания файла создадим папку и перенесем в нее содержимое игровой папки из Документов.


Пример на игре этого раздела.

1. В корневой папке игры (обычно это С:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Europa Universalis IV\, там еще находится файл запуска игры eu4.exe) создаете текстовый файл userdir

Полный путь к файлу таким образом должен выглядеть так: С:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Europa Universalis IV\userdir.txt

Если вы не видите расширений у файлов, то не нужно самостоятельно их дописывать. Чтобы не получить что-то вроде userdir.txt.txt, что не будет работать.

2. Открываете его и вписываете путь, по которому вы считаете должны располагаться пользовательские файлы игры (кэш игры, разные настройки, сохранения, активация dlc). К примеру, D:\GameDocs\EU4

Старайтесь не использовать кириллицу (русский язык) в названиях файлов, папок и имени пользователя; просто полезный совет.

3. Сохраняете изменения и закрываете файл.

4. Далее, проходите в Документы\Paradox Interactive и копируете папку Europa Universalis 4 в указанное выше место, т.е. в D:\GameDocs\ (создаете папки вручную, если их еще нет) и после того как копирование завершилось, переименовываете перенесенную Europa Universalis 4 в EU4

В итоге должен получиться такой адрес, к примеру, ваших сохранений: D:\GameDocs\EU4\save games

5. Теперь удаляете (или переносите/переименовываете) папку этой игры в Документах и запускаете игру. Если лончер встретил вас привычным набором dlc и модов, то запускаете игру и начинаете радоваться. А уж если после загрузки игры и подсчета чексуммы вы нашли свои сейвы в игре, то остается только поздравить себя за успешно выполненную операцию по переносу!

Вот так, легкими движениями рук сейвы переносятся... переносятся сейвы... в удобное место!





 Выбрать в бетах желаемую версию и игра не будет обновляться.


В библиотеке стима щёлкаем правой кнопкой на игру, выбираем Свойства → Бета-версии, выбираем из списка бет нужную версию. Если поставить "отказаться от всех бет", то игра обновляется на самую последнюю стабильную версию.


Всем изнемогающим от вылетов, тормозов, зависаний и пустых земель вместо провинций и стран в игре.


Это происходит из-за того, что ваш компьютер не в силах нормально обрабатывать игру при заданных настройках графики. Очевидное решение - снизить настройки; как это грамотно осуществить, изложено ниже.

В настройках игры - Документы\Paradox Interactive\Europa Universalis IV\settings.txt - проверьте и замените значения в указанных строках:

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Постобработка, частицы, блум, облака, отражения и тени самые затратные. Леса (деревья) и новые города (домики) по ситуации можно оставить.

Высококачественные текстуры по умолчанию отключены.

Пока не могу дать характеристику по двум пунктам ниже, потому что не выявлена разница. Для перестраховки можете их отключить.




Скорее всего, у вас не установлен или криво установлен Microsoft Visual C++ Redist. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .


Это образ для Daemon tools. Вы не тру пират, если не знаете, что это такое :)Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


В: Поставил себе EU4, активировал все DLC, но сконвертированный из CK2 сейв всё так же остаётся Inactive. Как быть?

О: Надо экспортировать игру НЕ в режиме observe, тогда всё будет норм.


Наиболее полный на сегодня архив DLC всегда можно скачать Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. . Замените его в папке с игрой.


Документы/Paradox Interactive/Europa Universalis IV/settings.txt


Изменить можно, вписав german вместо english. Аналогично можно вписать spanish или french для испанского или французского соответственно.


Благодарности в адрес Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Сделал себе скрипт на улучшение управления с помощью Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. .

Прокрутка карты на W,A,S,D.

q - политическая карта, e - торговля, r - империя, g - культуры, z - дипломатия, x - отношения, c - местность. g,z,x,c реализованы через клик мышкой по координатам (не нашел хоткея этих режимов карты в игре).

1 - управление, 2 - технологии, 3 - экономика, 4 - стабильность.

F9 - вкл.\выкл. скрипт.

главное понять принцип и можно настроить как угодно под себя.

Сам скрипт: (установить autohotkey, сохранить скрипт в .ahk файл, запустить)

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.



Господа, в теме Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. можно скачать специальную программу для декодирования конвертированных из CK2 в EU4 сохранений.
Изменено пользователем JLRomik
Обновлены системные требования
Ссылка на комментарий


Некоторые страны стали недоступны для дипломатии. С ними нельзя сделать ничего, даже объявить войну, а иконки их армий теперь имеют цвет повстанцев. Простой перезагрузкой не удалось исправить ситуацию, версия 1.31.6. Прошу, очень сильно нужна помощь... 9CjFCCIYhtI.jpg?size=1920x1080&quality=96&sign=f7006dedc9f94ca6ed012c34acc14931&type=album

Ссылка на комментарий

Закреплённые сообщения
10 часов назад, Pvt.Meek сказал:

В том-то и дело, что не появляется такая кнопка. Все, что есть - показано на скриншоте в предыдущем посте.

Окольными путями набрел на информацию, что Майкрософт может блокировать установку файлов от Парадокс, был указан способ, как с помощью самого инструментария Майкрософт обойти это. Последовал рекомендациям, теперь вроде бы установился это  лайнчер Парадокс v.2, но при попытке его запуска он мне объявляет, что не видит на компе игр от Парадоксов, и предлагает перейти в магазин @#$%& !!! И даже переходя в магазин, и оттуда уже входя в аккаунт в Стиме - Стим показывает, что есть игра и дополнения (все лицензионное, куплено честно), а лаунчер, @#$%&, не видит игру. Уроды... 


   А если удалить лаунчер, а потом запустить игру из Стим? По логике Стим должен сам скачать и установить лаунчер и прописаться в нем. Не пробовали?

Ссылка на комментарий


Без понятия, как можно удалить эту дрянь.

Проще игру сносить и переустанавливать.

Ссылка на комментарий

8 часов назад, Pvt.Meek сказал:

Без понятия, как можно удалить эту дрянь.

Проще игру сносить и переустанавливать.

  Лаунчер удаляется как любая другая программа: Пуск - Параметры - Приложения, далее выбрать в списке лаунчер, нажать кнопку Удалить . Если используете CCleaner, проще удалить с его помощью, раздел Инструменты

Изменено пользователем oldgans
Ссылка на комментарий


Помогите разобраться в чем проблема, вылетает при загрузке карты


Ссылка на комментарий

Senator Horum

Что делать, если эта игра просто стала медленно работать и тормозить? Никаких серьезных проблем с ПК нету, "ухудшать" настройки графики и всего прочего тоже пытался, но даже это мне не помогло 

Ссылка на комментарий


из добрячков кто нить залейте 1.29.6, полтос скину на киви.

Ссылка на комментарий

Сейв начал ломаться 1 января 1542 года. Играю на 1.32. Лицнзия, длс пиратные.  Пробвывал переустанвливать сейв не работ. Error.txt


[dlc.cpp:1548]: Could not find item in store backend.
[localize.cpp:671]: Localization hash collision found, check text.log
[localize.cpp:671]: Localization hash collision found, check text.log
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "interface/tooltip.gui", Error: Already Defined. Key: ToolTip: maxHeight, near line: 10
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'ChurchRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.ChurchRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'DhimmiRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.DhimmiRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'JainsRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.JainsRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'BurghersRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.BurghersRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'VaisyasRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.VaisyasRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'NoblesRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.NoblesRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'MarathaRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.MarathaRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'RajputRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.RajputRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'CossacksRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.CossacksRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'NomadicRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.NomadicRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'ChurchRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.ChurchRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'DhimmiRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.DhimmiRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'JainsRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.JainsRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'BurghersRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.BurghersRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'VaisyasRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.VaisyasRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'NoblesRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.NoblesRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'MarathaRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.MarathaRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'RajputRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.RajputRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'CossacksRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.CossacksRD]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'NomadicRD]' for tag 'Paў°oўec°aч ®oч®»°ocІ» [Country.NomadicRD]'
[map.cpp:112]: Two areas have the same name! First: hudson_bay_sea_area, Second: hudson_bay_area
[map.cpp:112]: Two areas have the same name! First: gulf_of_guinea_sea_area, Second: gulf_of_guinea_area
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _IM_CAP, near line: 4244, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 4244, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _IM_CAP, near line: 4712, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 4712, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _RD_CAP, near line: 11022, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 11022, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _RD_CAP, near line: 11490, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 11490, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _DT_CAP, near line: 17800, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 17800, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _DT_CAP, near line: 18268, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 18268, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _VN_CAP, near line: 24578, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 24578, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _VN_CAP, near line: 25046, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 25046, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _TV_CAP, near line: 31356, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 31356, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _TV_CAP, near line: 31824, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 31824, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _PR_CAP, near line: 38134, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 38134, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _PR_CAP, near line: 38602, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consortCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 38602, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _IM, near line: 4244, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 4244, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _IM, near line: 4712, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 4712, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _RD, near line: 11022, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 11022, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _RD, near line: 11490, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 11490, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _DT, near line: 17800, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 17800, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _DT, near line: 18268, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 18268, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _VN, near line: 24578, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 24578, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _VN, near line: 25046, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 25046, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _TV, near line: 31356, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 31356, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _TV, near line: 31824, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 31824, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _PR, near line: 38134, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 38134, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _PR, near line: 38602, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_consort_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 38602, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _RD_CAP, near line: 18857, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 18857, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _DT_CAP, near line: 30747, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 30747, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _VN_CAP, near line: 42637, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 42637, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _TV_CAP, near line: 54527, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 54527, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: _PR_CAP, near line: 66417, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[persistent.cpp:87]: Parsing Error. File: "customizable_localization/GKS_title_monarchCAP_localization.txt", Error: Unexpected token: =, near line: 66417, Last good read: localisation_key=QUEEN_ELECTOR
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'JOM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'HAH' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TEM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'JOM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'JOM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TRL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TEM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'JOM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'HAH' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'HAH' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'HAH' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'PRL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'HAH' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TEM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TRL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TRL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'JOM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'HAH' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TEM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TRL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TEM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TRL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X74' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X88' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y02' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y13' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y53' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z05' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z69' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z83' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z86' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TVL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'JOM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TEM' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'TRL' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X01' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X21' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X26' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X37' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X40' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X52' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X54' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X56' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X59' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X60' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X63' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X65' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X76' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X82' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X84' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X94' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'X98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y09' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y11' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y12' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y14' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y18' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y23' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y24' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y30' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y31' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y32' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y33' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y34' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y39' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y41' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y43' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y49' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y50' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y55' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y57' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y58' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y61' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y68' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y70' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y72' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y75' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y78' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y89' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y90' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y93' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Y99' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z00' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z03' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z04' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z06' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z07' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z08' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z10' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z15' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z16' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z17' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z19' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z20' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z22' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z25' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z27' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z28' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z29' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z35' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z36' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z38' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z42' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z44' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z45' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z46' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z47' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z48' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z51' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z62' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z64' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z66' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z67' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z71' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z73' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z77' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z79' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z80' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z81' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z85' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z87' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z91' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z92' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z95' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z96' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z97' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:19684]: Unknown country 'Z98' in tag trigger
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bogomilist
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:finnish_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:baltic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zun_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:nestorian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:messalian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:slavic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:jain
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:waldensian
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hellenic_pagan_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:bon_reformed
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:cathar
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:fraticelli
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:lollard
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monophysite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:monothelite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:iconoclast
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:paulician
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:zikri
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:yazidi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:kharijite
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:druze
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:hurufi
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:mazdaki
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:manichean
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:khurmazta
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:samaritan_faith
[triggerimplementation.cpp:29407]: Invalid Religion. Key:karaite_faith
[graphics.cpp:1121]: No font with name 
[graphics.cpp:1121]: No font with name 
[graphics.cpp:1121]: No font with name 
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/settings.gui: Missing Button 'allow_hotjoin' in window 'menu_settings_GAME'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/settings.gui: Missing Button 'allow_coop' in window 'menu_settings_GAME'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/settings.gui: Missing Button 'hints_active' in window 'menu_settings_GAME'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/settings.gui: Missing Button 'hide_chat' in window 'menu_settings_GAME'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/settings.gui: Missing Button 'autopause_on_events_button' in window 'menu_settings_GAME'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/settings.gui: Missing Button 'autopause_countryview_button' in window 'menu_settings_GAME'.
[graphics.cpp:1121]: No font with name 
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/mapicons.gui: Missing Button 'defender_condottieri_shield' in window 'navy_combat_mapicon'.
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'GetTitle] ¦a®e¬o °e pe¦¬o ўЇe·ЄўaeІcч Є ±pЄ°і¦ЄІe®»°o opҐa°Є©oўєўaeІ  pa¬Є ў ±o¦o °єx cЄІіaµЄчx. Bo©ЇoЁ°o, [Root.Monarch.GetName] іЁe ¦o®Ёe° ¶Іo-Іo ±pe¦±pЄ°чІ»?' for tag '„peµє ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [Root.GetName] o ec±o¬oe°є c®Є·¬oЇ  o®»·ЄЇ ¬o®Є¶ecІўoЇ °eЁe°aІєx ѕ°o·e« Є ¦eўі·e¬ ў јІoЇ pa«o°e. ‰oxoЁe, co єІЄч c®oЁЄ®Єc» Іa¬ЄЇ o pa©oЇ, ¶Іo ўєҐo¦°єe coµЄa®»°o Є ј¬o°oЇЄ¶ec¬Є  pa¬Є ©¦ec» ±pa¬ІЄ¶ec¬Є °eўo©ЇoЁ°є, a ceЇ»Є °e xoІчІ coҐ®a·aІ»cч ¦aЁe c ІeЇЄ, ¶Іo іЁe ±pe¦®oЁe°є. [Root.Monarch.GetTitle] ¦a®e¬o °e pe¦¬o ўЇe·ЄўaeІcч Є ±pЄ°і¦ЄІe®»°o opҐa°Є©oўєўaeІ  pa¬Є ў ±o¦o °єx cЄІіaµЄчx. Bo©ЇoЁ°o, [Root.Monarch.GetName] іЁe ¦o®Ёe° ¶Іo-Іo ±pe¦±pЄ°чІ»?'
[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN]' for tag '[trade_province.Culture.GetName]aч ¬і®»Ііpa Є [trade_province.GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN]'
[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:6569]: Script error! Script Object Token: "primary_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN], ¶Іo ўўo©ЄІcч Є© ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName], ±o o¶e°» ўєco¬ЄЇ µe°aЇ.
Ђ®aҐo¦apч јІoЇі Є o°Є, Є ЇecІ°єe ЁЄІe®Є cІa°oўчІcч o¶e°»  oҐaІєЇЄ...' for tag '‰oc¬o®»¬і °a·Є ¬і±e¶ec¬Єe ceЇ»Є ±poўo¦чІ o¶e°» Ї°oҐo ўpeЇe°Є ў [trade_province.CultureSmall]Єx ±oce®e°Єчx, cpe¦Є °ace®e°Єч ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [trade_province.GetAreaName], o°Є °a¶a®Є ±epe°ЄЇaІ» ЇecІ°єe c±eµЄa®»°ocІЄ. B ІoЇ ¶Єc®e, °e¬oІopєe °a¶a®Є ±po¦aўaІ» [trade_province.GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN], ¶Іo ўўo©ЄІcч Є© ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [Root.Capital.GetCapitalName], ±o o¶e°» ўєco¬ЄЇ µe°aЇ.
Ђ®aҐo¦apч јІoЇі Є o°Є, Є ЇecІ°єe ЁЄІe®Є cІa°oўчІcч o¶e°»  oҐaІєЇЄ...'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN] Є© ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [trade_province.GetName]. ™ІЄ Іoўapє ўceҐ¦a  є®Є ±o±і®чp°є, °o јІa °eo є¬°oўe°°aч Їo¦a ±pЄўe®a ¬  єcІpoЇі pocІі  oҐaІcІўa ў ±poўЄ°µЄЄ.' for tag 'KaЁeІcч, ў [From.GetAdjectiveSmall]o« cІo®Єµe, Ґopo¦e [From.Capital.GetCapitalName], pacІлІ c±poc °a Іoўap [trade_province.GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN] Є© ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [trade_province.GetName]. ™ІЄ Іoўapє ўceҐ¦a  є®Є ±o±і®чp°є, °o јІa °eo є¬°oўe°°aч Їo¦a ±pЄўe®a ¬  єcІpoЇі pocІі  oҐaІcІўa ў ±poўЄ°µЄЄ.'
[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:33708]: Script error! Script Object Token: "is_dynamic_tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:19707]: Script error! Script Object Token: "tag", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetCountryTag().IsValid()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing Button 'unitpanel_bg_tablet' in window 'actual'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing Button 'unit4_type' in window 'land_units'.
[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing Icon 'unitstrength_land' in window 'actual'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing TextBox 'unitstrength_land' in window 'actual'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing Button 'unitpanel_bg_tablet' in window 'actual'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing Button 'unit4_type' in window 'land_units'.
[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing Icon 'unitstrength_land' in window 'actual'.
[fixedwindow.cpp:2951]: interface/unitpanel_card.gui: Missing TextBox 'unitstrength_land' in window 'actual'.
[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[triggerimplementation.cpp:23232]: Script error! Script Object Token: "has_owner_accepted_culture", Error: Trigger condition set on the wrong scope: Scope.GetProvince()

[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN]' for tag '‰oўє·e°°є« c±poc °a [trade_province.GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN]'
[ck2text.cpp:268]: Unknown text property 'GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN] Є© ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [trade_province.GetName], ¬a¬ °a Є°ocІpa°°єx, Іa¬ °a po¦°єx pє°¬ax. ‰pЄ є®Є °acІo®»¬o ўєco¬Є, ¶Іo іЁe cґopЇЄpoўa®oc» °oўoe ±o¬o®e°Єe ІopҐoўµeў Є c±e¬і®ч°Іoў.' for tag 'B ±oc®e¦°ee ўpeЇч ±oўє·aeІcч c±poc °a [trade_province.GetFancyTradeGood_LOW_VIN] Є© ±poўЄ°µЄЄ [trade_province.GetName], ¬a¬ °a Є°ocІpa°°єx, Іa¬ °a po¦°єx pє°¬ax. ‰pЄ є®Є °acІo®»¬o ўєco¬Є, ¶Іo іЁe cґopЇЄpoўa®oc» °oўoe ±o¬o®e°Єe ІopҐoўµeў Є c±e¬і®ч°Іoў.'


Изменено пользователем Labes
Огромный кусок кода отправлен под спойлер
Ссылка на комментарий

В 03.01.2022 в 14:02, Bebrik сказал:

Я давно не играл в Европу. Решил вернуться, но теперь играть невозможно. На паузе фпс как обычно, но только снимаю паузу и моментально начинает фризить. Что делать?

То же самое у меня на linux версии. На паузе 60 fps, при запуске - ниже 24 fps, независимо от скорости. Играть невозможно, глаза вытекают.

Я пришел к выводу, что мое ведро просто не тянет этот мешок dlc с нулевой оптимизацией.

Ссылка на комментарий


Что делать если сохранение сломалось? Где-то 2 часа назад вышел, сейчас снова зашёл в игру и в ней происходит какой-то бред. Союзники требуют разрыва союза с ними за благосклонность, некоторые государства просто исчезли. Тоесть на карте они есть, но открыть вкладку дипломатии с ними нельзя, а вместт нормального флага у них черно-красный. 

Все бы ничего, но на дворе уже 1605 год, обидно за потраченное время. Партия довольно интересная была

Очень нужна помощь




Изменено пользователем JLRomik
Ссылка на комментарий

В 23.03.2022 в 21:50, hao_asakura_02 сказал:

Помогите разобраться в чем проблема, вылетает при загрузке карты

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Точно такая же проблема, все прекрасно работает, а саму карту не запустить

Ссылка на комментарий

В 23.03.2022 в 21:50, hao_asakura_02 сказал:

Помогите разобраться в чем проблема, вылетает при загрузке карты

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Мне помогло следующее. установка проги driver booster 9. прога бесплатная и сама проверяет все дрова на компе, через нее я обновил дрова на видео и теперь запускается. Посмотрел будут ли вылеты в течении партии

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8 часов назад, estoril сказал:


Мне помогло следующее. установка проги driver booster 9. прога бесплатная и сама проверяет все дрова на компе, через нее я обновил дрова на видео и теперь запускается. Посмотрел будут ли вылеты в течении партии

   У меня о драйвер бустере печальные воспоминания. Поставил, все драйверы периодически обновляются, красота! Но спустя какое-то время комп вдруг стал периодически выпадать в БСОД, притом что сторонних странных программ не устанавливал. Пришлось переустанавливать ОС. Было это несколько лет назад, может быть разработчики уже свой бустер до ума довели, но недоверие осталось. В общем, прежде чем ставить, советую почитать отзывы

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Пожалуй тогда удалю)) Обновил именно дрова карты

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Кто знает как в европе расшифровать файл с сохранением? Когда открываю текстовый документ сохранения, ничего толком непонятно, всё в шифре. Ну и второй вопрос, можно ли как-то отредактировать файл сохранения на айронмене, чтобы пересесть за другую страну? Если это возможно, хотелось бы узнать как это делается

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В 26.04.2022 в 16:32, Bogdan.exe сказал:

Кто знает как в европе расшифровать файл с сохранением? Когда открываю текстовый документ сохранения

Я открываю нотепадом++

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3 часа назад, cc31 сказал:

Я открываю нотепадом++



хм... а как тут можно декодировать?

Изменено пользователем JLRomik
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В 27.04.2022 в 20:12, Bogdan.exe сказал:
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Открыть

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

хм... а как тут можно декодировать?

Ничего не надо декодировать. Просто открываешь в текстовом редакторе и все.

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ололош Чингисханович

Почему не получается скачать игру? У меня пиратка. Как я скачал когда то давно 1.31 так только она и ставится! Сносу еу, качаю торрент и та же версия! Уже с нескольких сайтов пробовал.

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В 03.05.2022 в 16:33, ололош Чингисханович сказал:

Почему не получается скачать игру? У меня пиратка. Как я скачал когда то давно 1.31 так только она и ставится! Сносу еу, качаю торрент и та же версия! Уже с нескольких сайтов пробовал.

В теме купить/скачать 1.33.3 выложена.

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В виду пробелов в образовании не могу разобраться,как увеличить шрифт в игре.На ноуте 16.1" экрана очень всё мелко,а возраст уже намекает на очки ))) Разрешение 1920х1080. При уменьшении разрешения обрезается картинка .Можно ли что-то сделать?

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No Good

Europa Universalis IV (RU) Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | Задать технический вопрос | Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. | 252f7f5e9f87c766323219a66ec9f


Процессор. В игре много ежемесячных расчетов. Именно поэтому если тормоза наблюдаются, то самые сильные обычно в момент смены месяца и автосейва


Да че толку-то?! Дальше ведь ошибка всё равно как на втором скрине Без Дяди Васи дальше не разберусь. Асму с отладчиком и перехватчиками не осилю. А кряк хз какой, у меня их куча целая, како


нашёл лекарства от рака 😂 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   в разделе 2b  надо скачать файл bcrypt.dll и положить в папку игры скачать архив " [Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Да вы с самого первого сообщения все правильно мне говорили: действительно самый нормальный чики-пушный вариант это 2400G с докупом дискретной если сильно прпрёт. Или 3400G. Я просто сто лет не с


по сравнению со Стелларисом Европа вообще не требовательная )))


Откатить на ту версию, на которой можно было играть на 32.   ЗЫ. Ну и расстрелять Йохана само собой.

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