The Guild 3 - Ролевые игры (RPG) - Перейти к содержимому

The Guild 3

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Жанр:  Ролевые игры, Симуляторы, Стратегии
Разработчик: Purple Lamp Studios, GolemLabs
Издатель: THQ Nordic
Дата выхода: 26 сен. 2017 (ранний доступ)

Русская локализация: текст

The Guild 3 — уникальная смесь экономического симулятора, симулятора исторической жизни, стратегии и ролевой игре в реальном времени. В игре вам предстоит создать семейную династию, род которой может продлиться на долгие века. В этом вечно перестраивающимся мире игрокам предстоит доказывать навыки в ремеслах, торговле, социальной жизни, и даже в политике.




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Закреплённые сообщения

Уже в разработке, пруфы, скрины и прочее будут чуть позже =)

Изменено пользователем Korkut
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Отличнейшая новость.

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Порадовали. Жду.

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Вот, можно воспользоваться транслейтом. Кстати говоря, есть еще оказываеться и гильдия-браузерка.

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С удовольствием буду ждать жгучую смесь багов и шикарнейшего геймплея, жаль что по другому немцы не умеют делать игры.

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Ура! Как раз недавно вспоминал об этой игре. Ждем новостей. :)

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Присоединяюсь ко всем ждущим!!!

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Надеюсь, что придумают еще пару новых и интересных багов

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лишь бы они не разорились до того, как придумают все новые баги.

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Хорошая новость! интересно когда игра же выйдет.

2016+ судя по тому что сейчас есть только слухи.

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Надеюсь, что в этот раз багов поменьше будет.

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В Гильдии еще и музыка достойна внимания

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Armored Bard

Надеюсь она на повторит судьбу Stronghold 3...

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Сейчас глянул,в стиме не весь список изменений и добавлений .Выкладываю под спойлером список всех изменений.

Полное перечисление изменений патча 4.2Нажмите здесь!



4.2 (revised)

*** Fixed Bugs ***

- Bank: offering, taking and payback of credits optimized

(thanks to Kinver and Fajeth)

- AI of the hospital was reworked (thanks to Kinver and Fajeth)

- Some chairs in the conference room of the city hall were not


- Pathfinding of the sims optimized

- The Calenberg map is now assigned to Germany

- Pub: "Assign to dance", "Assign to salacious services" and

"Assign to >thief's service<" have been optimized

(thanks to Kinver)

- "Curse a Building" at the cemetery is now functional

(thanks to Kinver)

- Orchardist: bugfixes within the ai

- Bugfixes and reworks within all maps; amongst other things like

optimizations for pathfinding and missing ressources

- Bugfixes with the titles Count, Marquess, Prince and

Imperial Prince (thanks to McCoy!)

- The usage of perfume, jewellry and clothing had no effect

(thanks to M.C.)

- The measure "Sit" in tavern and pub is now functional as provided

(thanks to DarkLiz)

- It occured that the gravedigger of the local graveyard was not

located near to the grave. Burial sequences were started in the

middle of the map

- Bugfixes for pathfinding and interaction of the ai with the

measures "Spend the night together", "Sweet-talk someone",

"Take a bath" and "Ask to dance"

- Bugfix with the event of war

- Bugfix of an error in the waiting hall of the hospital, which

caused from time to time that the patients were not treated

- The AI now uses "Paralysis Poison", "Black Widow Poison",

"Toadslime" correctly

- Upgrading buildings now correctly spawns a scaffold.

- Fixed an error with fights

- "Press Protection Money" by AI optimized

- Fixed an AI-error with the use of alderman's chain

- Fixed a bug with the gaining of guild fame for the AI

- Especially during advanced games errors with diseases of AI sims

could occur.

- In the bankhouse, during pickpocketing and during "thief's service"

an error with the payment/pickpocket could occur.

- Fixed an AI-error with buying the raw-material-boxes from the


- Fixed some bugs in the logic of trials

- In the case of divorce an error could occur when the newly divorced

partner tried to leave the residence.

- Fixed a bug with the repair-measure

- Fixed a bug with repairing carts

- Fixed a bug with "smuggling alcohol" in the divehouse. Additionally

new feedbacks have been added.

- After year 1600 a bug with the towncrier occured

- Pathfinding of ambient sims (animals/ mule driver) have been


- fixed a bug with the visual feedback of favor gains during social


- Certain waypoints in the indoor of the monastery and hospital were


- Fixed a bug with the blackboard; sims no longer laugh about

pamphlets against themselves.

- Fixed a bug with repairing the pirateship and fishing boat.

- During the measure "assign to thief's service" (divehouse) the

cocotte forgot her workingplace after a success and/or with the

beginning of the next round

- Fixed a bug with the assigning to buildings/ residences

(e.g. inherit)

- The measure "Sit down" in the country estate was broken

- At the end of a feast a bug could occur

- Under certain circumstances a heavy bug could occur to AI sims and

to the miller, which cancelled all current actions

- Fixed a bug with the title "Imperial Prince"

- An error occured if you tried to aquire a new title while you

already had the highest possible title

- Fixed an AI error with sowing fields and meadows

- Fixed an exploit in the tavern: taking a bath/dance/bewitch only

gives money to the owner if he doesn't use these measures himself.

- Upgrading a building no longer interrupts the current measure of

the owner

- Patients which can't be treated because of the lack of money will

not try to attend the doctor over and over again

- If the AI tries to buy a certain item because of their consume need

won't spam the measure anymore, if the needed good is not available

(multiple favor loss)

- At several situations and measures, the sims didn't use weapons

(e.g. execution)

- Hospital: bedridden patients do not block the beds, when they have

been already treated.

- The ai was able to send out their minor children to hijack their


- When changing the diplomatic status between two dynasties the favor

is now set correct

- missing texts added

- The measure "Welcome a dignitary" was available in opponent

country estates.

- Thieves are not able to burgle abandoned buildings

- When a ship sank down an error happened

- The measure "Order sales ban" is now functional as provided

(thanks to Fajeth)

- With the direct hiring of an employee an error occured which

avoided that the sicknesses of the character were cured and that

the bonusses for some of the building upgrades for the character

were calculated

- After the start of the next round the measure "Quacksalver" was

not executed correctly - both for players and for ai

- Gravedigger: due to a number of bugs the ai was unable to manage

the production

- A bug with the measures "hush money" and "protectorate" was

corrected: the mercenary was unable to find all thieves, robbers and


- When a building was built in the surrounding of a city it could

happen, that passing characters and carts stuck and spin around

until the savegame was reloaded. We were able to solve that problem

with a workaround.

- The usage of "Spindle of the Sleeping Beauty" had no effect

- Sermons could be interrupted through different measures. The

audience left the church and the priest restarted the sermon without


- AI characters sometimes stuck in front of a church which had no

owner - the reason was a bug in the needs-system

- Sometimes characters left the conference hall while a council

meeting or a court was held

- If the player has watched a council meeting without having a

character in the room, it could happen that you got access to the

council meeting action bar; this bar still appear, but only for a

short moment

- One received double experience points for using the measure


- With every war the performance and the stability of the game became

more worse

- The mercenary ai made wrong decisions regarding the measure


- Bugs with leading of own businesses fixed: the employees of patrons,

artisans and rogues receive a productivity bonus from their

employers skill "handycraft"; employees of scholars receive a

productivity bonus from their employers skill "secret knowledge"

... and many more ...

*** Features & Content ***

- The Band Versengold plays in taverns and divehouses and thus raises

the income of the owner and the buildings attractivity

- Own taverns and divehouses get the measure "arrange concert", with

which the player can offer a fee to the band Versengold if they play

in the establishment

- Bored women (married and single) can become groupies of Versengold

with a certain possibility

- AI sims will cheer during concerts

- The player character can also party with the measure "Eat & Drink"

- New object and animation added: Violin

- The old tutorial of Guild 2 has been ported to the game

- The city treasury is now simulated. The office incomes, payment for

worker huts and unoccupied buildings and residences, aswell as the

cost for war are now paid by the city treasury. Also to level up the

city a specific amount gold has to be accumulated, the mayor will

start the upgrade.

The measure to embezzle public money was changed accordingly.

- "Review city treasury" is a new measure in the town-hall, which can

be used by every citizen - but only office holders can see much more

detailed information

- Changed town-logic: Much slower level-up of settlements and

restriction of automatic construction of buildings in settlements;

the monastery is no longer connected directly to a settlement, the

guildhall is available at settlement-level "Town" or higher

(Missions from the guild etc. are also available at settlement-level

"Town" or higher), the arsenal and the parade ground are available at

settlement-level "City" or higher (joining a war is also available at

settlement-level "City" or higher)

- The age of AI-Enemies, as well as the number of their children and

their age are now dependent on the dificulty

- AI-dynasties now do adopt orphans; that decreases the chance of

dynasties dying early in-game

- AI now build towers

- The Map "Sherwood Forest" from the original "The Guild 2" has been

changed and added to the game, so it can work properly in

The Guild 2 - Renaissance 4.2

- New Maps:

* The right of Magathaburg

* The county of Bingenheim

* The duchy of Weilerthal

* Fichtenhain and surrounding area

* Area around Heiligenblut

* Bremerhaven

- Remastered music:

* 01_maintheme_new

* 201_herbshouse

* 202_crypt

* 203_mill

* 205_bank

* 212_merc

- All classes can choose from a lot more hairstyles and hats

(thanks to Fajeth)

- The juggler now has a new level 1 product: "amulet"

- Ai characters will buy and equip weapons and armor according to

the difficulty and their rank

- New ambient sounds added

- Court: rhetoric and empathy of accuser and accused are compared.

If the accuser's talents win the penalty level is slightly

increased. Otherwise it is slightly reduced.

- The calculation of the amount of money for the measures "arrange

a binge", "pay bonus" and "bribe" now include the talent

value of bargaining

- New start and character creation scene

- Banned ai characters now leave the city and will not return until

the ban is over

*** Balancing ***

- Costs of forced marriage no longer depend on the title but on the

liquid funds of the character Costs of forced marriage: 15% of the

liquid funds

- Ill employees now tend to go to the Medic much faster

- Offices and titles: AI now tends to buy higher titles and

does not block the lower office layers any more

(thanks to LordProtektor)

- Aggressiveness of the AI is now much more connected to the level


- Number of shadow dynasties now depends on the city-level

- "Dark Magic" now can convert items into (much more) valuable items

or they give the play some money

- The EXP-gain of Sims has been reworked.

Some actions caused a low EXP-gain, some a too high EXP-gain, some

didn't cause any EXP-gain at all

- Cooldown for various measures added (thanks to M.C.)

- Cooldown for "Press protection money" set to 4 hours

- Buying a title via GodMeasure in the town-hall now costs as much as

buying it directly with a character. But your character will only

gain EXP by buying it directly.

- Chance of a war break-out has been changed

- Burglary and Razzia no longer possible at worker's huts

Reason: Own employees could declare the feud on their employers

- HP of the mine and the woodcutter's hut increased massively, to make

them being harder to conquer

- Changes to raw materials, intermediate goods and final products, to

balance the market

- Production is now much more important than "train"

- Building times for different buildings were harmonized

- Building costs for different buildings were harmonized

- The work times of the employees of the miller, the gravedigger,

the juggler and the banker were set to 16 hours.

- The juggler now has more storage slots

- The talents of all character classes were harmonized: every class

now has 3 easy to learn talents, 4 normal talents and 3 hard to

learn talents

- The calculation of protection money and ransom was reworked

- The voters for office sessions were optimized: an office holder

is voted by the office level above and the mayor is elected by all

office holders

- The voters for imperial office sessions were optimized: the King

is elected by the Sovereign und the other imperial office holders;

the Cardinal is elected by the King, the Sovereign und the Bishop;

the Supreme Commander is elected by the King, the Sovereign and the


- Mercenary: the income through "collect toll" and "hush money" was


- School and apprenticeship of the children; more

experience points instead of talent points:

convent school 1000 Ep, guild school 1250 Ep,

nobleman school 1500 Ep, apprenticeship 500 Ep,

university 1000 Ep, doctor 1000 Ep

- After a successful burglary the building is protected against

another burglary for 24 hours instead of only 12 hours. After a

successful plundering the building is protected against another

plundering for 12 hours instead of only 4 hours

- The "booby trap" protects against plundering instead of

burglary and the damage of the trap was increased

- Every profession now has at minimum 5 employees

- The juggler now has some raw materials at game start in storage

*** other ***

- Optimized the behaviour of Sims (inspired by Kinver)

- Camera in the lobby of the town-hall is more dynamic now

- Two new water textures have been added

- New buildings: small guildhall, small "town-hall", large monastery

- New 3D models for some plants

- Optimized combat (inspired by Kinver)

- Adding and removing pamphlets has been optimized (thanks to Kinver)

- Some textures have been reworked

- Gaining/losing favour is shown only if the player's dynasty is

affected directly or indirectly.

- Sadly the maps "The Archduke of Tirol" and "The Kufstein Area" could

not be repaired, so they had to be removed because of very bad

performance and crashes

- The weapon "double axe" now is actually a double axe ...

- The warehouse does not need to be built close to a harbour to build

ships any more

- Robbers wait at the robber camp for new orders and instead of

hanging around in the city

- Burning buildings are not visible in very far distances anymore

- Ai characters will not apply for an office which is occupied by a

family member


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Блин, если в Г3 действительно будут такие узкие улочки и в целом атмосферность, то на баги можно будет смело закрывать глаза. Осталось дождаться.

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Да уж,самое главное что-бы проект не загнулся! Несколько игр которые мне нравились,после каких то анонсов и слухов о продолжении, трындели мол будет это-будет то,по показывали концепты да закрылись по тихому. У Гильдии не так много фанатов,да и такого громкого анонса не было,по этому есть вероятность что закроются...но будем оптимистами!

Многие жалуются на кучу багов и килограммам недоработок,они конечно убивают и отбивают интерес,все эти вылеты,тупой и действительно искусственный "ИИ",баланс рынка,производства,и т.д

Но что меня действительно бесит,так это то что народ со временем просто тупо вымирает не продолжая свой род! Можно просто не обращать внимания на врагов - они вымрут сами! Со временем в городской ратуше появляется много свободных должностей,можно без проблем дойти до высших чинов,так же и вымирают конкуренты по ремеслу и враги вашей семьи. Все попытки как-то реанимировать и искусственно сохранить врагов сводятся на нет. Пробовал и не убивать,пробовал и обогащать - нет и всё тут...всё ровно вымирают как динозавры!

Так в предыдущих частях нету других занятий кроме политики,ремесла,торговли ну и истребления врагов.

Отсутствие занятий,вымирание ИИ и остальные баги - хотелось бы всего этого избежать в 3й части.

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Было бы очень здорово увидеть новую версию столь интересной и неповторимой в своем жанре игры. Опять же возникает много НО... Хотя все-таки будем надеяться и верить, что все получится и игра будет хорошей, ну и отличаться будет от предыдущей версии. Хотя мне было бы достаточно даже исправления назойливых багов и глюков.

P.S. Точно ли это не просто слухи?

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Если вы фанат гильдии, вы точно испытали тошнотворный эффект от всего геймплея третьей части, вот ещё один год почти прошёл, но увы игра не стала лучше, какие бы ошибки в игре не присутствовали, они н


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Итак, есть маленькие новости. На стиме дата выхода 2017год. Разрабы утверждали что они будут стараться хотя бы в 3-м квартале, но на амазоне есть предзаказ на 31 декабря 2017 72424fc3288d315724052cb72


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Погонял в 0.7.0 версию. Город Варшава - идея понравилась, но. 85% площади - город и на примерно 50% этот город пустой и в руинах) Из 10 династий 7 пошли в разбойники, остались без средств, а


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