Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado - Страница 32 - Архив - Перейти к содержимому

Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado

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а ND это собственно что?

national designer

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Читаю вот про создатель наций - а что вообще мешает создать редактор такого же типа? Чтобы не сидеть, не прописывать строки в файлах, а работать прямо на карте. Хотя бы для стран. И если уже давит жаба, то выпустить за деньги. Жизнь бы это упростило. К слову, я где-то видел подобные вещи, но официальный визуальный редактор - это же круто.

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Читаю вот про создатель наций - а что вообще мешает создать редактор такого же типа? Чтобы не сидеть, не прописывать строки в файлах, а работать прямо на карте. Хотя бы для стран. И если уже давит жаба, то выпустить за деньги. Жизнь бы это упростило. К слову, я где-то видел подобные вещи, но официальный визуальный редактор - это же круто.

не понял что-то, какой редактор такого же типа?

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не понял что-то, какой редактор такого же типа?

Редактор визуальный внутриигровой, все функции по созданию страны/религии/культуры и т.д. сделаны в плане интерфейса, то есть без всякого открытия файлов игры вписываются данные, которые уже портируются в файлы. Такое можно запилить отдельно, то есть просто упростив вбивание данных, а можно совместить это с картой, так сказать наглядно.

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Редактор визуальный внутриигровой, все функции по созданию страны/религии/культуры и т.д. сделаны в плане интерфейса, то есть без всякого открытия файлов игры вписываются данные, которые уже портируются в файлы. Такое можно запилить отдельно, то есть просто упростив вбивание данных, а можно совместить это с картой, так сказать наглядно.

Вы про GUI? Полно таких, есть на Плазе, есть на Стратегиуме, вон, в разделе моддинга лежит.

Изменено пользователем Razer98K
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Deceased WhiteBear
учитывая, что IM взломать (не только делать сейвы) не сложно
Лично вам -верю.

Но вопрос без ответа, и я его повторю:

Если воспользовался ND, это будет видно на скрине Ironman?

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Вы про GUI? Полно таких, есть на Плазе, есть на Стратегиуме, вон, в разделе моддинга лежит.

Я про интеграцию ГУИ с непосредственно картой игры и возможностью, к примеру, править границы простым щелканьем мышкой по территории.

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Deceased WhiteBear
Я про интеграцию ГУИ с непосредственно картой игры и возможностью, к примеру, править границы простым щелканьем мышкой по территории
... тем более, что движок Клаузевиц один и тот же, а в ХОИ давно уже редактор ТВД есть - т.е. новой работы минимум.
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Если воспользовался ND, это будет видно на скрине Ironman?

Видимо будет отображать айронмен не только с галочкой но и восклицательным знаком, информируя о том, что ачивки отключены.

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Раз они добавили такой редактор, то следующий шаг, это выбор нац. идей в рамках вариаций.

Например Франция которая не пошла в колонисты возможно захочет поменять идею о туземцах на те же бонусы в СРИ.

Или таже Италия, которая пилит СРИ может отказаться в пользу торговли.

Уже жду мода с такими возможностями, так что DLC клад для меня в плане модинга.

Например на механике DOOM можно сделать очень интересные решения.

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На парадоксплазе запостили видео из ND. Если кто уже выкладывал, извините.

National Designer
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На парадоксплазе запостили видео из ND. Если кто уже выкладывал, извините.

У религии инков неплохой бонус на снижение автономии.

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EU4: El Dorado - Development Diary 3: Inti, Maya and Liberty Desire

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 Welcome to the third development diary for Europa Universalis 4: El Dorado. Today, we’ll be talking about America and Liberty… and no, it’s not about the USA. Specifically, we’ll be talking about the Mesoamerican and South American Inti and Maya religions added in the expansion, and the new Liberty Desire system included in the free patch.


Historically, the Maya were divided into a large number of city-states vying for supremacy. In the past, these states were united in a large confederation called the League of Mayapan until infighting shattered the league. In El Dorado, we’ve attempted to simulate this expansion and contraction through Religious Reforms similar to the ones available to the Nahuatl (for details, see El Dorado Dev Diary 1). For a Mayan nation to pass a reform, they will need to own at least 20 provinces, have positive stability, no revolts, and no overextension. This is a little daunting.

Upon passing a reform, a Maya state will lose about half its territory, shrinking to a size of 10 core provinces determined by culture, religion and distance to capital. Other provinces will break away, joining existing nations or forming new nations and requiring you to reconquer them again. For each reform you have passed, you will be able to keep hold of more territory, retaining an extra province in addition to the original 10. As with the Nahuatl, when the last reform is passed and you border a Western nation, you will be able to reform your religion, getting a tech boost and gaining the permanent benefit of the religious reforms.

The Maya religion starts with +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and +1 Possible Advisors and their reforms give -10% Land Maintenance, -2 Global Unrest, +10% Infantry Power, +1 Colonist and -20% Core-Creation cost.


Where the Maya and Nahuatl religions are about expansion and contraction, the Inti faith is about maintaining the authority of the Sapa Inca by having the people worship him as a God. Inti nations have an Authority value that goes up from owning vast stretches of territory, and goes down when the ruler grants autonomy to a province (either from granting autonomy via by the grant autonomy action, being forced to by rebels, or choosing to do so in an event). Authority is also affected by a number of unique events added for the Inti religion. Authority reduces unrest and makes it cheaper to increase stability.

An Inti state that has 100 Authority and owns at least 10 provinces can pass a Religious Reform, but doing so will remove all their Authority and spark a civil war as a pretender exploits the loss of authority to attempt to seize the throne for themselves. After all, every reformer is challenged if they go too far.

If you lose this civil war, two Religious Reforms are lost, greatly setting back your progress towards reforming your religion.

As with the Nahuatl and Maya, when the last reform is passed and you border a Western nation, you will be able to reform your religion, getting a tech boost and gaining the permanent benefit of the religious reforms. Because the Inti religion does not have the same cycle of expansion and contraction as other two, Inti religious reforms are generally weaker than those of the Maya and the Nahuatl, but easier to accomplish.

The Inti religion starts with +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and -0.05 Monthly Autonomy in all provinces and their reforms give +10% Manpower Recovery Speed, +1 Colonist, +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy, +0.05 Land Morale and -10% Core-Creation Cost.

As the Nahuatl reforms were not finalized in DD1, I will also take the time to share them: -0.05 War Exhaustion, +1 Diplomatic Relations, +5% Discipline, +1 Colonist and -20% Stability Cost Modifier.

Liberty Desire

In Conquest of Paradise, we introduced the concept of Liberty Desire for Colonial Nations, measuring their desire to break away from their parent country, but the system has always been a bit too simplified revolving almost entirely around tariffs and very rarely resulting in said Colonial Nations winning their independence.

In the 1.10 patch, we will be introducing a major rework of Liberty Desire that turns it into a much deeper and more interesting system, but also expands it to all other subjects such as Vassals and Personal Union juniors. In 1.10, each vassal has a Liberty Desire towards their Overlord, calculated based on a large number of factors such as opinion, diplomatic reputation, relative power, and relative diplomatic technology levels. Certain vassal types like Marches and Client States are more loyal and thus have inherently lower Liberty Desire, while the Daimyos of Japan are an unruly bunch and have a large bonus to their LD. Vassals will also be aware of the power of all vassals relative to their liege, and their Liberty Desire will go up if they think that they could, together, bring you down. (This might even tame early game France - a little.)

While Liberty Desire is lower than 50, the subject will be considered ‘Loyal’ (as seen in their attitude). They will dutifully pay taxes, send their armies to help you in war, and refuse any offers of Support for Independence.

If Liberty Desire is above 50, but below 100, the Vassal is considered ‘Disloyal’. They will refuse to pay taxes and tariffs, won’t send their armies to help you in war (only defending their own territory) and will both look for foreign powers to support their independence and seek to ally with other rebellious subjects of their liege. If they find allies and supporters, their Liberty Desire goes up by an amount depending on the power of said supporters and allies.

At 100, the subject will be ‘Rebellious’. They will not only refuse to pay taxes and send help, but will declare war for independence the moment they think they have a shot at winning. When a subject declares war for independence, they will automatically call in all other subjects of their liege that they are allied to, and all independence supporters of both themselves AND their allies, meaning that their liege can be faced with quite the independence war indeed.

All in all, this system is meant to make vassals feel more lifelike - they are no longer mere slaves to their liege’s whims, but independent entities with their own goals who may turn on their ‘overlord’ if he does not take care to maintain their loyalty.


Изменено пользователем Slavkin
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EU4: El Dorado - Development Diary 3: Inti, Maya and Liberty Desire

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 Welcome to the third development diary for Europa Universalis 4: El Dorado. Today, we’ll be talking about America and Liberty… and no, it’s not about the USA. Specifically, we’ll be talking about the Mesoamerican and South American Inti and Maya religions added in the expansion, and the new Liberty Desire system included in the free patch.


Historically, the Maya were divided into a large number of city-states vying for supremacy. In the past, these states were united in a large confederation called the League of Mayapan until infighting shattered the league. In El Dorado, we’ve attempted to simulate this expansion and contraction through Religious Reforms similar to the ones available to the Nahuatl (for details, see El Dorado Dev Diary 1). For a Mayan nation to pass a reform, they will need to own at least 20 provinces, have positive stability, no revolts, and no overextension. This is a little daunting.

Upon passing a reform, a Maya state will lose about half its territory, shrinking to a size of 10 core provinces determined by culture, religion and distance to capital. Other provinces will break away, joining existing nations or forming new nations and requiring you to reconquer them again. For each reform you have passed, you will be able to keep hold of more territory, retaining an extra province in addition to the original 10. As with the Nahuatl, when the last reform is passed and you border a Western nation, you will be able to reform your religion, getting a tech boost and gaining the permanent benefit of the religious reforms.

The Maya religion starts with +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and +1 Possible Advisors and their reforms give -10% Land Maintenance, -2 Global Unrest, +10% Infantry Power, +1 Colonist and -20% Core-Creation cost.


Where the Maya and Nahuatl religions are about expansion and contraction, the Inti faith is about maintaining the authority of the Sapa Inca by having the people worship him as a God. Inti nations have an Authority value that goes up from owning vast stretches of territory, and goes down when the ruler grants autonomy to a province (either from granting autonomy via by the grant autonomy action, being forced to by rebels, or choosing to do so in an event). Authority is also affected by a number of unique events added for the Inti religion. Authority reduces unrest and makes it cheaper to increase stability.

An Inti state that has 100 Authority and owns at least 10 provinces can pass a Religious Reform, but doing so will remove all their Authority and spark a civil war as a pretender exploits the loss of authority to attempt to seize the throne for themselves. After all, every reformer is challenged if they go too far.

If you lose this civil war, two Religious Reforms are lost, greatly setting back your progress towards reforming your religion.

As with the Nahuatl and Maya, when the last reform is passed and you border a Western nation, you will be able to reform your religion, getting a tech boost and gaining the permanent benefit of the religious reforms. Because the Inti religion does not have the same cycle of expansion and contraction as other two, Inti religious reforms are generally weaker than those of the Maya and the Nahuatl, but easier to accomplish.

The Inti religion starts with +1 Tolerance of the True Faith and -0.05 Monthly Autonomy in all provinces and their reforms give +10% Manpower Recovery Speed, +1 Colonist, +0.5 Yearly Legitimacy, +0.05 Land Morale and -10% Core-Creation Cost.

As the Nahuatl reforms were not finalized in DD1, I will also take the time to share them: -0.05 War Exhaustion, +1 Diplomatic Relations, +5% Discipline, +1 Colonist and -20% Stability Cost Modifier.

Liberty Desire

In Conquest of Paradise, we introduced the concept of Liberty Desire for Colonial Nations, measuring their desire to break away from their parent country, but the system has always been a bit too simplified revolving almost entirely around tariffs and very rarely resulting in said Colonial Nations winning their independence.

In the 1.10 patch, we will be introducing a major rework of Liberty Desire that turns it into a much deeper and more interesting system, but also expands it to all other subjects such as Vassals and Personal Union juniors. In 1.10, each vassal has a Liberty Desire towards their Overlord, calculated based on a large number of factors such as opinion, diplomatic reputation, relative power, and relative diplomatic technology levels. Certain vassal types like Marches and Client States are more loyal and thus have inherently lower Liberty Desire, while the Daimyos of Japan are an unruly bunch and have a large bonus to their LD. Vassals will also be aware of the power of all vassals relative to their liege, and their Liberty Desire will go up if they think that they could, together, bring you down. (This might even tame early game France - a little.)

While Liberty Desire is lower than 50, the subject will be considered ‘Loyal’ (as seen in their attitude). They will dutifully pay taxes, send their armies to help you in war, and refuse any offers of Support for Independence.

If Liberty Desire is above 50, but below 100, the Vassal is considered ‘Disloyal’. They will refuse to pay taxes and tariffs, won’t send their armies to help you in war (only defending their own territory) and will both look for foreign powers to support their independence and seek to ally with other rebellious subjects of their liege. If they find allies and supporters, their Liberty Desire goes up by an amount depending on the power of said supporters and allies.

At 100, the subject will be ‘Rebellious’. They will not only refuse to pay taxes and send help, but will declare war for independence the moment they think they have a shot at winning. When a subject declares war for independence, they will automatically call in all other subjects of their liege that they are allied to, and all independence supporters of both themselves AND their allies, meaning that their liege can be faced with quite the independence war indeed.

All in all, this system is meant to make vassals feel more lifelike - they are no longer mere slaves to their liege’s whims, but independent entities with their own goals who may turn on their ‘overlord’ if he does not take care to maintain their loyalty.



Пятница настигла незаметно

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While Liberty Desire is lower than 50, the subject will be considered ‘Loyal’ (as seen in their attitude). They will dutifully pay taxes, send their armies to help you in war, and refuse any offers of Support for Independence.

If Liberty Desire is above 50, but below 100, the Vassal is considered ‘Disloyal’. They will refuse to pay taxes and tariffs, won’t send their armies to help you in war (only defending their own territory) and will both look for foreign powers to support their independence and seek to ally with other rebellious subjects of their liege. If they find allies and supporters, their Liberty Desire goes up by an amount depending on the power of said supporters and allies.

At 100, the subject will be ‘Rebellious’. They will not only refuse to pay taxes and send help, but will declare war for independence the moment they think they have a shot at winning. When a subject declares war for independence, they will automatically call in all other subjects of their liege that they are allied to, and all independence supporters of both themselves AND their allies, meaning that their liege can be faced with quite the independence war indeed.

Всё, закончилась лафа с завассаливанием всего подряд... Теперь за отношениями с вассалом следить надо постоянно и держать дипломатов у них периодически...

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Уже рассказали. Короче у вассалов тоже будет желание свободы, которое будет зависит от БН и отношения войск всех вассалов к войскам сюзерена.

PS Майа самая непроработанная религия, в ней нет уникальных особенностей. Хотя из-за этого она становится легче.

Изменено пользователем SShredy
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Уже рассказали. Короче у вассалов тоже будет желание свободы, которое будет зависит от БН и отношения войск всех вассалов к войскам сюзерена.

PS Майа самая непроработанная религия, в ней нет уникальных особенностей. Хотя из-за этого она становится легче.

Ну, то есть, к примеру откормленная на 2/3 Франции Овернь скорее всего быстро восстанет? Учитывая что у неё войск будет не совсем мало и БН нехилый. Или, допустим, Византия на все балканы и Турцию.

К тому же из скрина не совсем понятно - будут ли они как-то по особенному реагировать на денежные и др. подачки или это будет браться из общих отношений с сюзереном.

С другой стороны с Фра можно будет быстро разобраться в самом начале, затягивая 100-летку и резко увеличивая желание свободы её вассалов.

Изменено пользователем Kilativix
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Логичная система с вассалами, кстати говоря. Неизвестно, конечно, как она будет работать, но больше нельзя будет иметь двухпровинчатое государство и пару-тройку таких же вассалов. Да и кормежка их должна будет усложниться. Главное, против кого это будет работать из европейцев - Дания и Польша, видимо.

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Vassals will also be aware of the power of all vassals relative to their liege, and their Liberty Desire will go up if they think that they could, together, bring you down.

Вполне логично.

Недавно играл партию за Ганзу, завассалил Ливонский Орден и сделал маркой. Надо сказать, что уже за пару лет армия у него выросла прилично и уже могла тягаться с моей. В период реформации выбрал реформаторство, ЛО остался верен католицизму.

Так вот, меня все мучал вопрос, неужели в реальности ЛО остался бы в вассалах у еретиков, которые еще и слабее были на момент реформации? Глупо как-то.

Так что новая механика вполне уместна ^_^

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Унии с Данией будут разваливаться почти со старта?)

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