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FIXED and major: Memory leak removed!

new: You can now cancel Buy orders from the B interface.

fixed: Display bug that masked some structures.

new: Prices recover better and more logically

new: wastage of resource reduced in effect

new: naval resupply algorithm revised entirely, plus message giving details on it.

new: national regions now benefit from a 'minimum development level', if under 10%, you get +1% every 3 months.

new: tribal get replacements for free, slowly.

new: commerce ships in MTBs get back some cohesion over time

fixed: Depot extension and coaling upgrades problem.

new: Initiator of a colonial crisis can lose his CP in the contested colony.

new: minor can be the target of crisis.

fixed: Replacement leaders now appear (note there is perhaps a bug on duplicating leaders though)

fixed: structures in construction can not be activated with the 'activate all' button

fixed: a problem with supply rights that gave the benefit of a defensive treaty.

fixed: Inflation works reliably.

fixed: Map loading improved behavior should now work even if the checkbox is not on (hopefully!)

fixed: Can now use gunboat diplomacy

fixed: DOWing a country now abort all treaties

new: National morale limited to 250. More rubberband mechanisms around morale.

new: if you lack a specific resource for an industry, the message tells you which one.

fixed: you'll get every 3 months a message about your progress on the historical missions.

new: AI time usage in case of war reduced by 10% (not to 10% )

new: Hosting time reduced between 10 and 15%, depending of the turn.

new: the harbors close to your capital can always send sea supply to harbors close to any MTB where you have ships. (Basically if you have a ship as GBR in Southern Africa Trade box, then the harbors near London can send supply to the harbors in South Africa).

new: Can't play prospectors in region where there is no hidden resources.

new: You don't prevent merchant ships to commerce even if you have combat ships in their MTB.

new: When you form up a colony, relationships with the tribal will be at least 0.

new: The resources icons on map now show the number of resources in their tooltip.

new: Before building a structure, the tooltip tells you about the theoretical input and output.

new: Unit building panel code optimized, should not slow down the game anymore.

changed: Crisis about a colony asks for an average 15 CP, not 5.

changes and fixes focused on data:

* Fixed some budget and costs of the EIC army: GBR now receives 250e every 6 months as 'contribution' to finance the Army in India (till 1860)

* fixed some upgrade costs on units - Also added missing pictures for some units

* Fixed EvalColStatusArea script error

* Fixed natural disasters events (wrong religion alias caused crash)

*Models DB fixes (costs, tech upgrades, new pictures, new values for some elements)

* Fixed a script error that prevented the Missions annual checks to be effected and displayed.

* In addition FP of economic structures is adjusted for some missions (e.g. more cereal farms for Russia)

* New 1850 GC OOB: lots of African and Asian nations forces added on map (still WIP if volunteers want to bring corrections)

* Changed Cotton resources on map outside USA: much lower until the ACW occurs, then Cotton 'spreads' to Egypt, India and Southern Brazil in greater quantities

* Diplomatic parameters for AI added (thanks to Ehrenbourg tremendous work!)

* New events for SPA, POR, BEL and TUR added

* More Colonial and Balkan crisis events

* Allowed German unification by peaceful means to occur earlier

* Fixed wrong states borders in the USA (thanks to Aragos)

* Cherokee are friendly to USA, other Indian tribes start at peace

* Fix of abilities (CinC appliance)

* Oil, gold, gems and rubber resources fix (add population during rushes)

* Some 1850 setup fix in regions (control, trade, resources)

Изменено пользователем Xeothy
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что меняет патч? руссификатор как понял пропадет и ставить снова надо будет сверху?

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ну да..пока такой..до другого еще недели полторы терпеть...а этот же тоже ставится тоже заменой файлов в /вга

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Мне ещё минут 30 скачивать :)

Если там будет logchange - выложу.

А русификатор такой фиговый - что я на инглише играю :) Хотя много чего не понятно - но оно интуитивно понятно :)

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А зачем, если не секрет?

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А зачем, если не секрет?

ну, так написали разрабы Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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что меняет патч? руссификатор как понял пропадет и ставить снова надо будет сверху?

Не понятно, что он меняет конкретно. Changelog'а нет, на форуме парадоксов я тоже не увидел инфы.

А русификатор скорее всего придётся заново.

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добавил changelog

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добавил changelog

А я по привычке на парадоксплазе смотрю :)

На форуме разрабов не додумался посмотреть )

Спасиб, за инфу!

Изменено пользователем eros
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Здравствуй инфляция.

По крайней мере то, что должно было работать - теперь точно работает :)

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А ни у кого нет 1.01f от 16 числа?

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А ни у кого нет 1.01f от 16 числа?

У меня нет, где раздают?

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У того, у кого есть доступ на Парадокс форуме к PON'у. Кто лицензию в общем купил.

Изменено пользователем eros
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плиз кто покупал лицуху скиньте 1.01f хочется очень))

Качаю. Ща выберу куда закачать, выложу.

пасиба добрый человек_)

Изменено пользователем Гидравлик
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плиз кто покупал лицуху скиньте 1.01f хочется очень))

Да там всё равно бета-патч.

Надо чего-то вроде 1.1 ждать - чтобы попробовать поиграть :)

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Надо чего-то вроде 1.1 ждать - чтобы попробовать поиграть

ну все равно думаю будет получше чем сейчас :D

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2.скопировать файлы из архива файлы в папку с игрой.

changelogНажмите здесь!


new: legitimate owner of a region gets back MC from allies.

fixed: No more North pole crisis.

fixed: All capital icons are now working and send to Diplomacy Window

changed: Decisions Missions, Merchant, Tradepost. Missions will mostly create the Mission building. Merchants give 5£ a turn and enable the use of the Tradepost mission. Tradepost once completed creates the Tradepost building.

fixed: can now scrolls the structures in the 'built structures' panel.

fixed: hits lost by units now show correctly in the Military screen

changed (improved): ctrl-click replaced by right-click in Balance and Industrial screens.

new: tooltip on the population behaviors in Population screen

new: decisions cost and 'tech boosting' cost traced immediately in your balance, top of the screen.

new: (still underwork) - Mini tech browser Window, click on the tech category in the Tech screen to open it (in the making!)

Data oriented changes

¤ IA choices modified in multi-choices events.

¤ Japan events and Perry visit events fixed (txt added + balancing)

¤ all models and units file names changed to allow better performance with non-Western O/S

¤ Native American and GBR leaders pictures added

Изменено пользователем Xeothy
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