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Magnate Lords

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Magnate Lords



Current Features

- Completely overhauled building chains.
- Many, many new buildings related to individual resources/goods.
- 49 initial resources, 56 possible 'manufactured/produced' goods.
- Provinces develop 'individuality' due to the resources & goods within the province, as well as the differing infrastructures available.
- Many of the basic resources can be 'worked' into more advanced goods, i.e. Leather can be made in provinces with cattle, but only if the relevant infrastructure is in place.
- Historically accurate placement of resources, but balance of the game has been kept in mind. - i.e. we cant let a province start with 9 resources, it would be overly wealthy.
- Individual graphics for each resource/good.
- An expanded building view interface.
- New mod related event graphics, now over 29 new event pictures within the mod.
- A system were all relevant buildings and resources/goods are tied together.
- Inter-holding trade with vassals can take place. e.g. you as the province lord could build an open pit silver mine, your mayor vassal could then build a silversmiths & the province as a whole would benefit from income made from silverwares.
- Castles, cities & temples have different military & economical potential.
- Different religious buildings dependent on province religion, christians have churches & priories, muslims have masjids & majilis'. And yes we did implement this before SOI was released lol.
- Cultural buildings are now available in set provinces (irrespective of your characters culture), Longbowmen will always be recruitable from England & Wales etc.
- Some 'province holding' balancing i.e. northern England is poorer than the south.
- New holdings are more expensive to create & the base levels of tax for castles, cities & temples has been reduced.
- Vanilla's over inflation is being combated, gold is more precious & should be spent wisely.
- New traits gainable for characters with/in the relevant stats/situations. currently 'Horse Breeder', 'Agriculturalist', 'Expert Agriculturalist', 'Pillager' & 'Marauder' are attainable.
- Overhauled technology and greatly expanded its relations to buildings and warfare. New technologies include; military strategy, engineering techniques, feudal organisation & industry techniques - amongst many others.
- Church holdings are now of more benefit to technological research than city holdings. Cities still have universities but priories, monasteries & Abbeys are of more benefit to tech growth.
- Events related to resources adding flavour. Currently over 50 in place, we intend to add many more.
- New pillaging system which enhances war & causes holdings to become much more valuable as many buildings within settlements can be destroyed. Also with developmental traits - I.e. the traits 'Pillager' & 'Marauder' occur due to specific behaviour.
- Changed the parameters of the difficulty settings.



Скачать Magnate Lords v0.54 [Совместим с CKII 2.3] : Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  на Paradoxplaza
  • Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  на Crusader Kings II Wiki

- Мод отражает христианский взгляд на вещи, что находит отображение в локализации и изображениях для событий. Мод работает и при игре за мусульманского правителя, однако события будут в "европейском стиле".
- В мод стоит играть только на стартовых датах после 1066 года.
- В некоторых событиях присутствует брань.







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Изменено пользователем Labes
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Закреплённые сообщения
Pacific Coast Highway

Спасибо, стрелок!

Добавили бы его в СК2+, было бы шыкарно

Изменено пользователем justaplayer
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Спасибо, стрелок!

Добавили бы его в СК2+, было бы шыкарно

Wiz(автор CK+) уже хотел, но автор Magnate Lords отказал ему в интегрирование его мода в CK+

Сказал: "наши моды идут разными дорогами" или что-то типо этого.

Изменено пользователем Kit_EA
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Pacific Coast Highway

Мдя... Вредный автор мода походу.

Про "разными дорогами" повеселил, СК2+ солянка же, а не что то определённое

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Pacific Coast Highway

Установил, глянул.

Думал торговля будет хотя бы близко как в ЕУ3 =/

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Pacific Coast Highway

Добавьте кстати скриншотов :)

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Гессенский стрелок

Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - Сейвы совместимы с V0.31

- New objective 'become an agriculturalist'.

- Of the provinces with 'amber', now only Jylland, Akershus & marienberg can produce jewellry.

- Reduced the size of the mercenary bands for hire.

- Made further reductions to reinforce rates: castles 0.85, cities 0.33 & temples 0.175.

- New technology 'Equine Knowledge'.

- Thrifty clerks may now become horsebreeders.

- Rebalanced the effects of the following technologies: 'bows', 'light armour', 'heavy armour' & 'infantry melee weapons'.

- Added notfication events for when holdings are sacked. All human players will now be informed if a city/castle within their demesne has been 'razed' by a siege leader.

- The AI will be much less likely to 'raze' the holdings of human players with only one holding i.e. human lords who are 'one province minors'. Adding more fairness

for people who like to start at the bottom of the foodchain.

- Rebalanced the piety 'costs' for razing cities & castles.

- Reduced the frequency & harshness of the storm events + added new options to take for when it floods.

- Added 'exotic fruit' to Amman.

- Moved 'goats' from Amman to Az Zarqa.

- Easier difficulty levels now offer the human player a greater chance at discovering plots, conversely VH difficulty makes it harder to discover plots.

- Misc:

- Atholl's terrain is now mountainous.

- Westmorland's & Moray's terrain is now 'hills'.

- Added another market event picture for flavour.

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Мод как я понимаю заглох?

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Гессенский стрелок
Мод как я понимаю заглох?


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Жаль.К сожалению ссылка на версию 0.38. сдохла... Гессенский стрелок - не могли бы Вы перезалить сей мод ( желательно на айфолдер,либо на яндекс народ)?.

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Версия 038b. Согласно ченджлогу - мод адаптирован под патч 1.08 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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А как здесь призывать ополчения вассалов?

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Гессенский стрелок
Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. 1.08c для 1.08
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