BLACK ICE AI submod for Didays ICE для Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour - Страница 107 - DiDay's мод - Перейти к содержимому

BLACK ICE AI submod for Didays ICE для Hearts of Iron 3: Their Finest Hour

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А вот и новость - вышел патч BlackICE 11.0.



Major Changes

  • reworked difficulty settings
  • added feature to switch province controllers between allies
    • explained in the INFO events
  • added a 2nd game window with extra info and features
    • Using windowed mode is HIGHLY recommended
  • reduced base ram usage by ~50mb
    • made changes that enable ~300mb more save (requires user action - the new window has buttons to do it)
    • Unit sprites will not be usable from now on!
  • Airbase levels reworked yet again
    • now you start with a max capacity of 10
    • each airbase tech increases the cap by 10
    • occupied Air Bases have the level according to their owners tech



  • Japan - China Peace event reworked (now triggers no matter which warlord controls the provinces, provinces get transferred to current controller)
  • Operazione C3 activated
  • Anglo-Iraq war happens smoother now
  • added extra decision to decide the balance of the SCW
  • buff US leadership
  • added invasion of Madagascar
  • added an option for an “easy” strat. resource system
    • you wont get maluses for missing resources with the easy choice
  • added a covert ops mission to create temporary ports to support naval invasion in provinces without ports
  • added a covert ops mission to take back cores that were given to puppets
  • added an event that fires after puppeting a country to make sure the puppet joins the masters faction since the game sometimes forgets that
  • added War exhaustion related modifiers (very tame for now - still in testing)
    • War exhaustion can be seen in the new gui
    • sole fact of being at war and having war oriented laws increases penalties
  • Resource buildings get partially destroyed when captured
  • amount of resource buildings spawned by minister/national focus increased from 5/3/2 to 5/5/5




  • a few unique techs for majors

Units and combat Balance



  • 200 new leaders for ITA
  • Transport units now also affect combat modifiers of their division
  • HVAA should no longer get into negative hard attack
  • increased practical gains from capital ships
  • reworked rebels to be less farmable
  • reworked Combined Arms and values a bit
  • bombers surprise chance for sea attacks nerfed a bit
  • Special Purpose Armor no longer paradroppable




  • Sprites removed




  • randomized AI strat resource purchases further
  • fixed AI producing 6 brigade divisions instead of 7
  • AI considers embargos when buying strat resources now
  • increased the amount of IC puppets lend lease




  • fix some river crossings in Turkey
  • Guam, Iwo Jima, Guadalcanal split into 2 provinces




  • Faction strategic effects fully readable in the modifiers tab
  • added some missing info to the info events
  • effect for when you’re neutral for a strat. resource
  • added a triggered modifier to display the players IC efficiency
  • resource trading events no longer major
  • added events to let the player know when a trade ran out
  • Covert ops menu decluttered
    • now it only shows missions relevant to the province/country
  • added covert ops and gui entries to disable trade deal/mine expansion decisions

Bug Fixes



  • removed 1 duplicate German leader
  • fix Capital AAA Computer tech
  • fixed “no” options on some events
  • fixed soviet railway reclamation
  • fix event 31016 (Reward Finland after Barbarossa)
  • fix SS variants missing from some techs
  • fix USS Blakeley (DD-127.5)
  • fix US embargo of JAP logic
  • fix lvl 5 railway artillery speed


Первая чексумма: NVZW

Окончательная чексумма: KMOS


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Моя новая сборка 11.3.5


Много исправлений и добавлений.


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Закреплённые сообщения
Всем привет, я тут немного загулял и было не до перевода B)

Но работа на месте не стоит - обновил архив по ссылке, вложил туда файл ЯazoR'a с ивентами, добавил перевод технологий флота и некоторых авиационных.

Пока что работа еще в процессе.

Рад бы и сам перевести скорее, но откуда взять времени?)) Работаю же в конце концов

По поводу денег - работаю за идею! :D

Но если кто-то всерьез хочет меня так отблагодарить - в ЛС.

В обновлённом архиве файл zDD-events остался от предыдущей версии. В 4.2с этот файл строчек на 30 больше. Надеюсь это не критично?

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В обновлённом архиве файл zDD-events остался от предыдущей версии. В 4.2с этот файл строчек на 30 больше. Надеюсь это не критично?

Может чуть критично, но после выхода 4.3 все равно менять будем.

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в ближайшие 24 часа ожидается выход патча 4.3

вот информация по этому поводу:

4.3 will be a bit of both. it has ALOT of rebalancing based on suggestions and game reports. There is still more work to go to perfect this so it will still technically be in beta stage.

At the same time the BICE modders have been very busy. More air model GFX has been completed, including all the Italian air model GFX thanks to Berlichingen. Also there will now be a way to blockade enemy ports thanks to Marneman, this allow you to reduce the effiecency of the port based on how long you stay in the port sea province. Marneman will be able to explain more. There is also a rework of the battlecommander generation events. Also working a way has been found which should allow the increase of capacity of airbases beyond level 10.

Классно! А я еще и в 4.2. не играл!

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Классно! А я еще и в 4.2. не играл!

и мб и не стоило сырой он был ещё

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Подскажите плиз как повысить популяроность партии(а не ее организованность)

Что вообще за модификатор такой "внутренние дела"?

как я это понимаю.

держишь контрразведку на 2-3 черты у себя дома,повышаешь организацию как можно больше 90-100 и ждёшь)

помимо ивентов,со временем она будет расти,из-за вот этих самых внутренних дел,саму механику процесса не могу сказать не интересовался.

ну и само собой побольше бонусов на поддержку партии собери от министров и т.п

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Заметил, что в игре за СССР ширина фронта пехотной бригады всего 0,7, вроде же всегда 1 было? В итоге 3 дивизии укомплектованные 2 пех-1сау-1ПтСау не факт что смогут удержать фронт. Это я какой то тех случайно изучил не тот (вроде только на сокращение ширины фронта у танков есть, а то она сейчас получается больше чем у пехотной) или это нормально? И еще один вопрос, как посмотреть ширину фронта в определенной провинции, чтобы соответственно, высчитать сколько туда нужно дивизий ставить?

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не весь ещё что-то плавает,но уже не угрожает моему.Топил не сразу за раз ,а постепенно подкарауливая его с помощью данных разведки

на тот момент было 6 авианосцев,3 лёгких авика+3 потопили все же, 6 линкоров .

Вот это топило конвои ,т.е не участвовало активно в разгроме:было штук 60+ подлодок,6 линейных крейсеров и другое более мелкое

к барбароссе уже 9 авианосцев ,3 сверхтяжёлых линкора +3 на финальной стадии постройки , 6 линкоров и 6 скоро построятся

все они улучшены до последних актуальных технологий.

Не скажу что не терпел поражений,но среди основных кораблей,кроме лёгких авиков (их потерял 3 штуки).были разгромы,но потерь не было в отличии от британцев и французов,их флот тоже понёс большие потери

уже сейчас в атлантике потопил 5 авиков США и несколько линкоров,хоть официально война с ними ещё и не началась.

Британию через годик думаю уже возьму,а вот что буду делать с союзом тут вопрос ещё тот

Окей-окей - буду играть в историческую партию! чтобы исторично проиграть войну! рекомендую вам строить легкую пехоту ;)

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Там есть тех. Human Wave. - только он вроде на пехоту ширину уменьшает.

Вот тех по мобилизации передела, а то глупо когда люди быстро заканчиваются

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Изменено пользователем Антипа
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Там есть тех. Human Wave. - только он вроде на пехоту ширину уменьшает.

Вот тех по мобилизации передела, а то глупо когда люди быстро заканчиваются

emergency_recruitment_legislation = {

allow = {

war = yes

OR = {

AND = {

NOT = { emergency_recruitment_legislation = 1 }

NOT = { manpower = 10 }


AND = {

NOT = { emergency_recruitment_legislation = 2 }

NOT = { manpower = 7 }

surrender_progress = 15


AND = {

NOT = { emergency_recruitment_legislation = 3 }

NOT = { manpower = 7 }

surrender_progress = 30


AND = {

NOT = { emergency_recruitment_legislation = 4 }

NOT = { manpower = 7 }

surrender_progress = 50




manpower_gain = 1

ic_efficiency = -0.10

ic_modifier = -0.15

leadership_gain = -0.15

combat_efficiency = -0.10

on_completion = infantry_theory

difficulty = 9

start_year = 1937

first_offset = 1939

max_level = 4

additional_offset = 2

folder = infantry_folder


Блин видимо его я и изучил((((

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Пока ждал выхода очередного патча я по ползал по парадоксам и нашел несколько модов для BLACK ICE. Если кого заинтересует то можно выложить инфу по ним.

Это для любителей поиграть за Германию и потребуют дополнительного перевода

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итак, начнем пожалуй.


Black ICE German Graphical Augment

я не умею делать спойлерНажмите здесь!
 For the new Black ICE Beta v4.2c I have prepared a version of my Sub mod. I am happy to receive your feedback if you see some flaws or bugs. The Sub mod is not save game compatible and changes the checksum. Be aware that the German naming then is applied to all other nations you might play at a later stage.

I have not played the Black Ice beta yet so there might be valuable input from your sides to help improve this modification.

As my Air and Naval HQ mod is now part of the BI mod I have not included this section in the files anymore.


- Altered the localisation files to reflect the historcal naming of units and the naming conventions of the German Army for their types of Regiments and Bataillons. The units will be named either Panzer-Regiment x, or Fallschirmjдger-Regiment y etc. while the batallions will appear either as Panzerjдger-Abteilung y or as Pionier-Bataillon x for example.

- You will find the country file altered with a more streamlined naming of Infantry Divisions and Militia formations. The militia formations now named to reflect the Reserves strucures and Replacement units ("Feld-Ersatz-Regimenter") of the Wehrmacht. The upgrade Options for militia into all branches of the Army seems to fit to this approach.

- The counters are adapted to recall the historic piping or corps colors (Waffenfarben) of the German Army in ww2. wink2.gif

- Event chain to flavorise the set up of the Arial Defenses of Germany

- Events to bring Luftwaffen-Feld-Divisions to the game (with unique Counters, not buildable)

- HG Division chain of upgrade Events with unique Counters, not buildable

- Events to upgrade commando Units into "Brandenburg" Division and "Sturm-Division "Rhodos"


Install instructions:

1. DL file

2. Copy the contents

3. Paste the contents into the Black ICE folder (path: Main Folder HoI3 is installed to/Hearts of Iron/tfh/mod/black Ice/...corresponding folders)

It is advised to start a new 1936 campaign after you have applied the mod. It is not save game compatible!!

Download here:]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>

Изменено пользователем Антипа
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следующий мод: Third Reich Events Beta release.

Cultural, political events mainly (over 200 events) for Germany. 10 new German leaders. Traits renamed. After the first play testing I will start a new thread with better description.

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Tanganyika! for Black I.C.E.

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 This mod explores Germany's relationship with Africa. HoI3 allows the 'what if's of history and what if Germany had advanced into sub-Saharan Africa. Germany had a long history in Tanganyika and other parts of Africa. General von Lettow-Vorbeck's long campaign in East Africa could not has been successful without local support.

This mod has strong historical support and using period maps I have corrected some of the provinces in German East Africa. There are historical images used in the mod.

This mod should work fine with the current version of BICE (4.2 or 4.3).

Download and extract in the TFH folder


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Изменено пользователем Антипа
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Here are some of my own minimods which I made for vanilla some time ago.

since I started to play BI again I checked them and started to bring them in line with BI.

So here we go and as always I would enjoy any kind of critics, suggestions, ideas,wishes and what ever comes into your mind.

1. TDW-GerLeaders current version : 1.1

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  Adds a total of 1348 Leaders for Germany to your Game (all with picture + historical promotion date).

The 1216 Leaders Split up in the following way:1032 Army Leaders

112 Air-force Leaders (land and air)

72 SS Leaders

132 Kriegsmarine Leaders

No BI Leaders were changed.

The Skills/Maxskills as well as the traits were distributed in a more or less random way with some general rules to ensure that they arent to strong but still usable (check Spoiler for more details).

The GerLeaders-UBootAces adds 31 German Submarine Commanders, which sunk more than 100,000 Tonnage but still were below the lowest rank of HoI-Leaders.

They all start with a skill of 0 to simulate there lower rank but gained the submarine trait instead.

I didnt merged it with the GerLeaders pack so you can decide by yourself if you want to have lower rank Leaders or not.


2. TDW-Festungen current version : 1.1

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 Adds decisions for Germany to appoint regions who got promoted to Festung (fortress), Fester Platz (fortified Place) and Verteidigungsbereich(defense area) - in total that are 117 regions.

It gives the province a +1 Fort and also spawns additional defenders there.

All regions where I had information about the stationed (in some cases defending) Units, I included them.

For all other regions there will only spawn 1 Division containing of 2 Militia brigades.

There are 2 versions:

  1. with assigned Leaders (TDW-Festungen-BI-v1-1.rar)
    The Units spawn with the historical Leader where I had informations about who was the appointed commander of the Festung/Fester Platz/Verteidigungsbereich.
    If you dont use my TDW-GerLeaders you can use the TDW-Festungen-Leaders-BI-v1.rar(not needed when you use TDW GerLeaders)
    It adds 26 Leaders who were commander of the Festung/Fester Platz/Verteidigungsbereich.
    Also all commander of the Festung/Fester Platz/Verteidigungsbereich which already were BI-Leaders get (re-)assigned too.
  2. without assigned Leaders (TDW-Festungen-BI-noLeaders-v1.rar)
    This version only spawns the appropriate Divisions but dont (re-)assigns the historically Commander.

Both version includes a battleplan (only for Germany) with all Fortresses marked, so u get an idea where they are situated.


3. TDW-DefLines current version : 1.01

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 adds historical Defensive Lines (for full list check Spoiler) which got established during 1936-1945.

In General some of the decision-established Lines were light (field-) fortifications, therefore they are a bit cheaper but grants a lower fort level.

The Stalin & Molotov Line events/decision works additionally to the BI events and only adds forts (in historically positions) where BI didnt add them.

Furthermore it includes multiple battleplans (only for the 'building' Nations) where all added defensive lines are drawn.

I used 2 different ways to establish them

1. pre-build (mostly due to events) - sometimes needs an decision to set up and after some time it will fire an event, when certain triggers are met, which will 'build' it on the map.

2. enemy-driven (with decisions) - will be usable when enemy units reach the defensive line.

In both cases you will have to pay for it with supply and money.

Most of the times you will get an population bonus of 1 for a Defensive line you build.


4. TDW-Additional HQs current version : 1.1

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 Since I posted something in the ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> I received some request for my Decisions.

So I decided to add them here so you can easy get them.

It gives you (and not the ai) the abilitly to get some BI-special HQs via decision for all Major Nations (GER, SOV, USA, ENG, ITA, JAP).

Furthermore all Minor faction members can get some too (but need to have the related research and have to move them from the factionleaders capital manually).

The SS HQ is only available for Germany and Guards HQs only for Soviets. Also I used a cooldown to prevent the spaming of HQs.


5. TDW-Scandinavia-Pack current version : 1.01

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 Expands the northern European countries (Norway, Sweden, Finnland and Denmark) with Events (see Spoiler), missing Leaders and Ministers.

Furthermore I added (and not replaced) model-pictures for Sweden. If you dont want them simply remove the gfx/models folder from that package. The model-pictures are compatible with ]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]>.


6. TDW-Neutral States-Pack current version : 1.0

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 Expands Ireland, Switzerland and Portugal with Events, missing Leaders and Ministers. [Cкрыть]

CommentsНажмите здесь!
  Regarding TDW-Festung and TDW-DefLinesBoth should not stop advances but should help to slow them down a bit and make it harder to 'snowball' on one front.

Therefore most of them are focused on the late phase of the eastern european front because of the great landmass there the AI is in my opinion not able to establish a defensive front in a proper way once the initial defence has been lost.

If you know a way to bypass the monthly trigger check for events than please share it with me because than I could change alot of the decisions to events, which would fit much better.


INSTALLНажмите здесь!
 To install just copy all files inside the TDW folder into your BI-mod folder (\Hearts of Iron III\tfh\mod\BlackICE\)


extract to \Hearts of Iron III\tfh\mod\

only for TDW-Festungen and TDW-Additional HQs

Additionally you have to add the content of added_modifiers.txt into \Hearts of Iron III\tfh\mod\BlackICE\common\event_modifiers.txt.


only for TDW-Scandinavia and TDW-NeutralStates

Additionally you have to add the content of added_event_modifiers.txt into \Hearts of Iron III\tfh\mod\BlackICE\common\event_modifiers.txt.

And you have to add the content of added_triggered_modifiers.txt into \Hearts of Iron III\tfh\mod\BlackICE\common\triggered_modifiers.tx t


to install the no-Leader version of TDW-Festungen just override the files from TDW-Festungen-BI-v1-1.rar with the corresponding files from TDW-Festungen-BI-noLeader-v1-1.rar


FilesНажмите здесь!

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TDW-Additional HQs:

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TDW-Neutral States-Pack:

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Изменено пользователем Антипа
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ну и последнее... спрайты для Германских войск

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 I have started a new sprite project for Black ICE, starting with German Grossdeutschland and SS-units.

Spritefix is included, it fixes and changes BI sprites more suitable.

Changes have been made for all spritepacks for HoI3. (You don't need them all to get this work).

Black ICE Sprite Project Consist of new Sprite skins added from vanilla models.

Now your unique units are more easier to detect.


Install instructions

1. Extract to your main HOI3 Folder(where your exe's are).

2. Overwrite.

3. Play.

Checksum: QIJO

[black ICE 4.2c beta + sprite mod]

version 1.25 for BlackICE 4.2c beta

Download Link: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Для нормальной работы требуется установленный MegaGerman Spritepack

Изменено пользователем Антипа
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alexashka-80, в следующий раз прячь многобукав (особенно на иностранном языке) под спойлер.

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alexashka-80, в следующий раз прячь многобукав (особенно на иностранном языке) под спойлер.

Буду учиться :blush:

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ну и последнее... спрайты для Германских войск

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 I have started a new sprite project for Black ICE, starting with German Grossdeutschland and SS-units.

Spritefix is included, it fixes and changes BI sprites more suitable.

Changes have been made for all spritepacks for HoI3. (You don't need them all to get this work).

Black ICE Sprite Project Consist of new Sprite skins added from vanilla models.

Now your unique units are more easier to detect.


Install instructions

1. Extract to your main HOI3 Folder(where your exe's are).

2. Overwrite.

3. Play.

Checksum: QIJO

[black ICE 4.2c beta + sprite mod]

version 1.25 for BlackICE 4.2c beta

Download Link: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

Для нормальной работы требуется установленный MegaGerman Spritepack

А нет ли спрайтов за СССР?

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Новое в 4.3

Experimental Blockade System in Black ICE v4.3

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 Hi gang! Just a short note to explain how the new blockade system in the upcoming Black ICE v4.3 works.

First, some caveats:

It isn't perfect.

It probably has bugs in it.

It isn't how I originally wanted to implement it.

Sadly, due to the constraints imposed by the scripting engine, this isn't what I had originally wanted to build. But it does work, so ....

In short, you can now move your naval fleets to AI enemy ports and blockade them. Once you have your ships in position, and after a short deployment delay, all "major" (L8+) enemy ports that connect to the sea province occupied by your fleet will temporarily have their port levels lowered, thus lowering the amount of material that can be shipped into/out of the port, as well as the port's repair bandwidth. So, depending on the sea province in question, you can block multiple ports at once! If you leave the province, ostensibly because the enemy has run you off, the port will reorganize itself over time and its original level will be restored.

The first unreleased version that I wrote simply gave the AI a malus to naval base efficiency. Worked great, but wasn't terribly realistic, as that penalty affected all enemy ports, not just the one(s) you were blockading. So, I tore it up and redid it - so now, the port penalties are very directly tied to the specific port(s) being blockaded.

If you find any bugs in it (especially performance-related), please let me know so I can take a closer look.

Already on the todo list for the blockade system:

# AI blockading AI

# AI blockading players

# Multiple levels of blockades depending on how long the blockader has been in place

# Possible small bonus to supplies/resources for blockader (representing confiscated supplies and war material)



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Новоя версия моей сборки Black ICE 10.41   Улучшаю историю,сиправляю ошибки и т.д. Самое главное добавил более 300 своих евентов, как важных исторических так и просто интересны


BLACK ICE submod for Didays  


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  8.52 блек айс , держите. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  7.40 кому интересно


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - 10.3 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - 10.31 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - 10.32 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. - EXE-шник


Разрабы анонсировали версию 10.4 и поведали о том, что в ней планируется сделать. Это с оговорками, потому что они не уверены в технической возможности осуществления всего задуманного. Итак:


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.  Вот ссыля на чистый 10.41 с парадокс плазы. Я видел запрос человека, но выше уже давалась ссылка. Возможно, стоит в шапку прикрепить 10.41, а то я часто сам сталкиваю


Не успели мы попросить модератора загрузить в шапку версию 10.41, как уже вышла версия 10.42   Скачать Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


надо ставить не в /mod  а в /tfh/mod     introductio/help несет чисто информационный характер и объясняет механику игры и ивентов   Всю информация я естественно не смогу тут

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