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Они наверное издеваются, но вылетает на этапе загрузки карты. Попробую конечно кэш почистить и ЕУ4-конвертер отключить, но осадочек уже остался.

Отключаем все портретные ДЛС и все будет работать.

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]]>Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. ]]> господа.

Велес, а версия мода 0.5 для какой версии СК 2? Потому что сейчас СК 2 уже версии 2.02.

ЗЫ: Велес, у тебя тоже сам Стратегиум что-то подвисает?

Изменено пользователем Brennenrex
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Велес, а версия мода 0.5 для какой версии СК 2? Потому что сейчас СК 2 уже версии 2.02.

ЗЫ: Велес, у тебя тоже сам Стратегиум что-то подвисает?

Для 2.02.


Изменено пользователем Veles
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Отключаем все портретные ДЛС и все будет работать.

Колдунство! :o

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Уменя вылетает куча пустых сообшений в начеле, и есть земли без владельцев и флаги с вопросительным знаком, что делать?

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Колдунство! :o

Но работает.

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Один я заметил, что игра за некоторые государства соверешенно не возможна? Запустив игру мы получаем около 50 сообщений-эвентов, которые нельзя закрыть. С чем это связано, кто может сказать?

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Один я заметил, что игра за некоторые государства соверешенно не возможна? Запустив игру мы получаем около 50 сообщений-эвентов, которые нельзя закрыть. С чем это связано, кто может сказать?

Нужно версия 2.0.2 так от них не избавиться :cray: . И где можно скачать эту версию случаем не кто не знает?

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Гессенский стрелок

Checksum: QHPC

Compatible with: CK2 2.0.2

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 Version 0.5


Events, jobs, plots and decisions:

- Added Beyond the Wall/Old Races flavour stuff

- Dragon riders defending in a siege can now fly away

- It is now possible to upgrade city holdings

- Added an event where the leader of a faction can change to a more powerful Lord

- The Bloody Gate and City Watches now use appointment succession

- Vassal Night's Watch castles now use appointment succession

- Wardens now have bad consequences for not answering calls to arms in defensive wars in their region

- Added some buildings for temple holdings that are buildable by certain religions

- Characters that convert religion now have a chance of gaining sympathy for their old religion

- Crown Authority changes:

- Low crown authority is now the default for newly created titles

- On Min/Low authority demands to end wars are no longer binding, so vassals will not be traitors if they refuse

- Mega Wars no longer occur on Max authority

- Independent King tier Ironborn characters can now use the Ironborn invasion CB

- Fixed the show friends/rivals decision. It now also shows enemy dynasties

- Decreased the chance of the lunatic drowned god event happening

- Changed the ambition to become a formidable fighter into an ambition to improve combat ability, with associated events

- Added a Depose Liege faction

- Readded the vanilla event where a ruler could change to the culture of their capital province

- Triarchs, High Judges and Regents now have priority in adjudicating trials

- Mega wars should now trigger instantly upon a declaration of war. This means the King should now be unable to raise all levies before the realm is split

- Added an interesting hedge knight event

- Re-flavoured many R'hllor magic events for the Warlocks of Qarth

- Claimants can now start adventures for non-independent king tier titles

- Wildling realms will now break up properly upon a ruler's death, but will stay intact if the heir is strong

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):

- Many changes to Targaryens and other Houses from the Princess and Queen Novella

- Dance of the Dragons scenario updated with information from the Princess and Queen Novella

- Added Haldon Halfmaester

- Added the swords Vigilance and Orphan Maker

- Added the Pentos/Lys war from the MUSH to the Conquest of Dorne bookmark

- Altered Aerys II traits to accurately reflect his personality from the beginning of his reign

- Altered the stats and traits of Duncan the Small to simulate his 'loss' to the realm when he gave up his status as heir.

- Dragonstone and other islands are now Valyrian religion/culture pre conquest

- Updates to Houses Blackwood, Hardyng, Coldwater, Moore, Sarsfield

- Fixed two Arryns not having the same Tyrell mother.

- Completed title history for c_norcross (The one that got away).

- Added Ser Clement Crakehall, he was killed in the 'Fishfeed'. Expanded upon House Crakehall, along Blood of the Dragon lines. Including changes to 'Redtusk'.

- Gave the Toland at the time of the Conquest (Aegon's) a mat marriage as she had a regular one with her lowborn husband.

- Swapped House Vikary and House Ferren's position in Westeros. Vikary and before them Reyne, now hold Brent Brook on the Gold road rather than Thurrock in Ashemark.

Now Reynes have consolidated power in the centre of the westerlands. Making the strongest vassal beforehand (Payne) weaker.

- Meera and Jojen set as missing in AFFC.

- Added friendship modifiers for Illyrio/Varys and Illyrio/Aegon

- Fixed Westerlands/Casterly Rock title history not matching current Lannister family history

- Fixed The Crag duchy/county title history not matching current Westerling family history

- Gave House Prester control of d_kayce until the Dance of the Dragons

- Adjusted history for House Massey, including giving Justin Massey some DNA

- The Targaryens from Crowned Stag now have appropriate opinion modifiers of the key players in the rebellion

- Mors Westford is now properly set to be in the Night's Watch court


- To use the fabricate claim on liege title plot a character now needs to have had a great-grandparent (or closer) or dynast to have held the title in the past

- Removed vanilla martial levy modifiers and readded levy triggered modifiers from previous versions

- Added an AI maintenance event that removes silly marriages to lowborns and trys to replace them with a decent political marriage

- Added an AI maintenance event where AI targ-incest marriages may be replaced with a political marriage

- Diseases are now half as likely to outbreak in a province, also reduced the deadliness of the Bloody Flux

- Education cost is now capped at 400 for martial and 200 for others

- The oldest child now has priority over non-sibling heirs in dragon inheritance

- Added many more Septs to Westeros, givng more candidates for High Septon

- House Butterwell's lands are now richer, also added their castle Whitewalls for the appropriate time period

- Revised independence faction AI somewhat

- Characters that can loot will now loot more aggressively and regardless of their own realm size

- The AI will no longer try to enact limited crown authority in their own realm

- Dragon Riders will no longer use the siege of fire against their own castles

- Added an event to prompt the AI to colonise if appropriate

- Rebalanced the options to knight a character so the decision and personal interaction have the same prestige gain/malus

- Somewhat rebalanced character decision AI to try and help them make better decisions

- Obtaining dragon eggs from a dragon is now slightly more likely

- A character now needs high intrigue or to be master of laws to be able to fabricate treason

- The AI can now use the kidnap character plot

- Only important or high intrigue characters can now use moon tea

- It is now possible to protest against a lover's use of moon tea

- A character who is usurped by an unlanded character will no longer gain a free Lordship from their vassals if they have only one castle

- Base value buildings now have differing costs depending on tier, this is so they don't all provide the same loot when sacked

- All children will now inherit dynastic stain from a dishonorable character, not just the heir

Graphics and portraits:

- Rhllor now uses the Zoroastrian CoAs

- Compressed loading screens

- Reworked graphical culture types

- New city models for all cultures

- Edited map CoA sizes


- Targaryen AI now prefers agnatic succession post Dance

- Added a new 'The Wall' duchy title, making The Night's Watch title titular.

- Made Jorah mormont fatherless for the duration of his stay in the east, this is so he won't teleport to his father at the Wall.

- Added a Dragonmont building in Dragonstone

- Added a culture for Crackclaw point

- It is now only neccessary to own a province in a duchy to be able to create it. This now also applies to Essosi duchies

- Lothstons can now get Whent nicknames

- Changed House Arryn nicknames to "falcon" and reused the "eagle" nicknames for House Mallister

- Every province in Westeros should now have at least one extra building slot to build a holding on

- Bitterbridge is now called Stonebridge before the Faith Militant uprising

- High Septons now get nicknames

- Added evil god names to some religions

- Only 51% of an Empire's dejure territory is now needed to usurp/create it

- Added a few more Wildling nicknames and made them a bit more likely

- Added an entry for Westeros in map/continents.txt for use in scripting

- It is no longer possible to create a Lord Paramountcy if the equivalent Kingdom exists, however this means it is now only possible to create the Kingdoms via decision

- Wildlings now use 'Turkish' succession


- Fixed problem where if female rulers held a wedding ceremony for themself their groom would be referred to as the bride

- If an abomination of incest is born stillborn the incest event will no longer occur for the mother

- Improvement of castles now works properly in the castles of vassal barons

- Added a workaround for vanilla bug where if you had an heir to a secondary Kingdom who is unlanded and not the primary heir they wouldnt actually inherit on your death, and the kingdom would be destroyed

- Fixed mega war problem where new independent rebel leaders were being flagged as part of the enemies realm, making the war invalid

- Just characters will no longer back a claimant who was usurped if they actually helped usurp them in the first place

- Successful wars for a Patrician's claim on a merchant republic will now hold an election in their favour

- Rickon will now have the blood feud opinions of the Freys if found in AFFC

- Dragon egg intel event no longer refers to petrified eggs, so it makes sense in an age of dragons.

- Dragon riders on the same side of a war should no longer meet each other in combat

- Fixed Oldtown history around the time of 8150-8167

- Fixed problem where the mega-war system would breakdown if Robb wins his war of independence

- Fixed problem where victorious rebel leaders could issue punishments to the defeated character's vassals

- Fixed problem with Dragonstone heir event where all your vassals would be upset at succession law change

- Ruins can no longer lead mobs to burn down trade posts in their province

- Bastards can no longer legitimise their own bastards

- Fixed Manfryd Lothston's nickname

- Incapable persons can no longer play cyvasse

- Lord Androw Meadows' death reason is no longer by child birth

- Fixed problem where being ill gave you a better chance of slaying a dragon

- Unlanded characters can no longer obtain salt wives (There is a vanilla bug which removes them after only a few days)

- Fixed problem where independent rulers were not losing the rebel leader trait at the end of a mega war

- The decision to crown yourself King Beyond the Wall no longer refers to The Stepstones

- All characters that are randomly generated in the Night's Watch at the beginning of the game now have the nightswatch trait

- Fixed problem where if Orys was given the Stormlands in Aegon's conquest they wouldn't be reintegrated correctly after the conquest is finished

- The AI will now only take a loan if they have a demesne size of at least 1

- Fixed Myles Toyne's Golden Company employment history

- Fixed problem where Elia wasnt being set as Aegon's mother upon his victory

- Weddings should now be cancelled if one of the participants dies

- Fixed vanilla ward in foreign court event

- Fixed problem where sometimes two salt wife capture events would trigger when looting

- Fixed Craster and Jeor Mormont's death date

- Only rulers should now be in debt to the Iron Bank

- The heir of a patrcian is now properly taken into account when inheriting swords/dragons

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Обновил шапку. Скоро будут скрины :)
Изменено пользователем Антипа
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Один я заметил, что игра за некоторые государства соверешенно не возможна? Запустив игру мы получаем около 50 сообщений-эвентов, которые нельзя закрыть. С чем это связано, кто может сказать?

А за какие возможно, я много различных запускал, даже простейших графов и т.д. Везде эта фишка. Плюс ко всему, этот баг давным давно блуждает в CK2, даже в оригинале, каждый раз при выходе свежей версии, такой, значимой с кучей исправлений и улучшений, такая вот хрень с кучей окон.

Кто-нибудь таки уже разобрался с этой древней проблемой?

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А за какие возможно, я много различных запускал, даже простейших графов и т.д. Везде эта фишка. Плюс ко всему, этот баг давным давно блуждает в CK2, даже в оригинале, каждый раз при выходе свежей версии, такой, значимой с кучей исправлений и улучшений, такая вот хрень с кучей окон.

Кто-нибудь таки уже разобрался с этой древней проблемой?

Русификатор надо выключать.

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Русификатор надо выключать.

1 - Не те ощущения, в плане восприятия.

2 - Уже кто-то советовал это мне месяцев шесть назад в оригинальной игре сделать, когда только вышел 1.11 патч, не помогло.

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1 - Не те ощущения, в плане восприятия.

2 - Уже кто-то советовал это мне месяцев шесть назад в оригинальной игре сделать, когда только вышел 1.11 патч, не помогло.

Нужно версия v2.0.2. У меня такая же проблема была. Скачал новою и заработала.

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Нужно версия v2.0.2. У меня такая же проблема была. Скачал новою и заработала.

Лол, естественно у меня 2.0.2. Я бы не ставил новую версию GOT, не поставив предварительно новую версию CK2

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Знает кто, как ускорить восстановление руин?

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Какие впечатления от новой версии? Игра не стала превращаться в слайд-шоу?

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Какие впечатления от новой версии? Игра не стала превращаться в слайд-шоу?

Вообще-то с Эссосом она теперь, если раньше у тебя было слайд-шоу, то даже не пытайся перейти на эту версию. И она у некоторых забагованная, частая проблема с окошками каждые 10 дней, которые невозможно закрыть.

PS: От локализации, ДЛС и т.п. не зависит, уже проверил всё.

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Я в восторге. Правда.

Мод расцвел новыми красками.

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Деймон Блэкфайр

enrique suarez

Вышла 1.6 Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. A GAME OF THRONES A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II A Game of Thrones v1.6 Checksum: GRSL Compatible with: CK2 2.8.1  


У меня было так: отжал Север у Болтонов для Рикона, пока Эйгон захватывал Штормовые, и Томмен с кем-то там еще воевал, было непросто, но мы справились, взяли в плен Русе и Рамси после осады, и казнили


A Game of Thrones v1.3   Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.    




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