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Lux Invicta




Этот мод позволяет нам взглянуть на один из многих вариантов развития истории Европы, а следовательно дает возможности, которых не было в оригинальных крестоносцах, например:

  • Хотите Сассанидскую империю или возродить империю Александра Македонского? Пожалуйста, хоть империю Гуннов.
  • Хотите заставить всю Европу поклоняться Юпитеру или в богам Древней Греции? Пожалуйста!

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А есть что нибудь похожее только попроще? К примеру как опция в КС+, где все дефолт кроме титулов. раздобенность до герцогств или графств + возможность создавать различные не де-юр королевства???

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ps: версия мода посвежее. 0.6н для 1.103

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Нет его)

Я пробовала переводить, весь день стучала по клавишам, перевела кучу всего - некоторые файлы вообш\ще полностью!! А оно..а это..(Г)..отображало кракозябры...((( Я с горя переустановила, ничего не сохранив... Как можно перевести, чтобы нормально было? Так-то оно можно поиграть, только долго вчитываться в ивент, особенно, если новый, такой, что раньше не происходил...

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Я пробовала переводить, весь день стучала по клавишам, перевела кучу всего - некоторые файлы вообш\ще полностью!! А оно..а это..(Г)..отображало кракозябры...((( Я с горя переустановила, ничего не сохранив... Как можно перевести, чтобы нормально было? Так-то оно можно поиграть, только долго вчитываться в ивент, особенно, если новый, такой, что раньше не происходил...

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есть, буржуйская вики по крестоносцам не обманет :D

пруф в студию: Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.

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Djon Krtaiton

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v6I ( aka the New Dawn patch )Нажмите здесь!
 > FnF deeper integration

> integrated SELIN updates involving religious sites, holy orders, reformation mechanics, and general bug-fixing.

> integrated the Project Chronos's Fvror Africanvs update

> utilized a new terrain texture map

> integrated Vyllis's SFX

> Updated interface to CK2 2.0

> Character sheet now uses the big 32x32 religious icons. Interface edited to accommodate these

> Fixed wrong modifier icon positioning

> tweaked Humble piety to match Pride authority

> removed 50% discount on buildings

> fixed the Moderate Crown Policy of pagans requiring Devoted instead of just Loyal Disposition.

> added "markers" for the pagan disposition laws

> fixed a bug with provincial conversion requiring 12 Millenia to convert. it now requires just 1/2 millenia to do so

> *probably* fixed crown authority ultimatum bug for pagans

> Most SoA events and decisions ported and adapted to LI setting

> All instances of judaism_group replaced with jewish_group (Jews only playable with SoA now)

> Integrated Damocles' MB-GOTW

> Integrated Consort mod

> Integrated No Hassles Vassals (with edited EN localisations for clarity)

> Removed Koeppen Climate provincial modifiers due to lag and maintenance overhead. Kept the seasonal flavour events.

> Removed some lagging useless events (CK2+ leftovers mostly)

> Deleted friend checker decision (useless)

> A lot of new religious icons by AnaxXyphos

> made the required sites 4 instead of 5

> Lowered the authority per holy site to 15 from 20

> the Solar-Imperial religion has investiture = yes now. It doesn't get the investiture laws (intended, those are restricted to Catholics), BUT makes it so that you can request money from the pontifex maximus.

> Lowborn Concubines decision now costs 5 authority

> Norse Mod old viking system events should now fire on looting a holding (for all religions who can loot, de-norsefied the events properly)

> added the Abbey of Crime mod events, making it available for all religions, tweaked requirements (like removing the ward and reducing the MTTH to 1/5 of the original), and tweaking the event text as appropriate

> added Danevang's "better skulls"

> swapped Traits, Claims, and Modifiers around in the interface

> added some Vyllis sound effect

> removed the old Duel Engine events and referencing the new Duel Engine one (un-Luxified, ie. no distinction between Heroic Cultures and regulars yet)

> removed the old CK2+ ai-decision giving money at war

> added a Levy War Tax decision and a Demand Peace Scutage decision based on TPATT's kingdom tax

> added an intro chain of pseudo-tutorial events (with a choice to skip them), and a small decision to re-trigger the part regarding the hotkeys

> LIBERT3 v12a:

> nerfed Martial Code by re-adding a Garrison Size malus of -50% (balanced by Principles of Defence) at most and halving the morale bonus to +0.5 at most

> nerfed Principles of Defence by reducing Garrison Growth to 100% at most

> nerfed Call of Adventure by reducing Levy Reinforcement to 50% at most. Retained the +- levy/garrison mechanic (counteracted by the building system anyway).

> tweaked Realm Intrigue to give revolt risk: -0.1%, assassinate chance: +0.2%, and vassal tax +0.1% per level (base-25 still applies)

> tweaked Diplomatic Disaster to give -15 opinion and -1.5 authority monthly instead

> tweaked the "Travelling" trait from Survey Realm and event due to the short duration to 2

> tweaked the Realm Event, making it potentially restart as early as 1 year (original 5) and have a base of 5 years to restart (original 20), and doubled its duration.

> removed minimum demesne count of survey realm (but made AI even less likely to trigger it to compensate)

> tweaked Price of Power modifiers to be less punishing (-70 instead of 75)

> decreased MTTH of Spymaster's Conduct Subterfuge actions

> made Pacify Province only cost 1% tax loss per diplomacy point

> doubled tech spread modifier of councilors

> ambition to convert province culture now reduces MTTH to 1/3 (previously to 2/3), thus 166 years MTTH. Succeeding now gives 1000 authority and 3 stewardship

> swapped the titles-requirement for dejure swapping and creation in-code to follow intended parameters

> reduced chance of death for 0~9 age

> reduced effect of war and peace on fertility (now 10%) and health (now 0.5).

> increased fertility of trying for child to 15%

> tweaked patrician campaign fund and authority factor to 4 and 5 (previously 2 and 3)

> demanding the main plotter to stop costs 50 authority, while plot-backers costs 20 authority

> reduced revolt triggering chance 25% even further

> tweaked the Young Age modifier to not give a health malus and instead give an Authority malus yet a general opinion boost

> tweaked the Old Age modifier to not give a health malus, but amplified attribute/fertility loss loss yet give an Authority boost

> Revised the Traditions mechanic:

>> abandoned the province flagging mechanic for Martial Traditions

>> buffed the command modifier of the tradition traits to twice in exchange

> Combat Rebalance:

>> Increased base morale by 0.5

>> Reduced base morale recovery from 25% to 10%

>> Reduced morale loss factor to 3 (vanilla 6)

>> Reduced troop kill factor to 0.007 (vanilla 0.015)

>> Reduced tech gain from battles to 90% (overcompensated by lengthened battles)

>> added a "Ruler Taking Command" modifier for feudals when leading troops at war that increases land morale and morale recovery by 0.1, authority by 0.5, and general opinion by 5 but instead get a -0.25 fertility

>> added a "Ruler Shriking Command" modifier for feudals when not leading troops during war, decreasing authority by 1 monthly and general opinion by -5. This does not trigger if the feudal ruler is a councillor though.

>> Increased Defender Bottleneck modifier by 25%

>> tweaked defending against infidels/foreigners to +30/25 from +75/50

>> made Aggressive Offensive War not give a morale recovery malus

>> returned battle authority gain to vanilla

>> made War Knowledge not trigger when already previously triggered and active (for a year)

>> removed effect of realm size on retinue cap

>> reduced impact of leader martial on Damage Bonus and Command Modifier to 3%

>> returned center leader's martial effect on attrition to 0.10%

>> reactivated three generic retinues: Hedge Knight Cohorts, Rhodoki Crossbow Contigent, Elite Spearwall Company

>> doubled combat bonus of retinues and gave +1 morale for both units for culturals (+1 for dominant unit only for generics)

>> regular mercs cost 25% of their unit-weight to hire and 50% to maintain

>> vassal mercs cost 1/3 of regular mercs to hire but 3x to maintain

>> holy orders cost 1/3 of gold-cost in piety

>> retinues cost 1/3 of unit-weight to reinforce/maintain and further 1/3 to hire

>> reduced all event troops to 50% (of highest garrison level) from 100%

> Levy Rebalance:

>> Increased liege levy to 75% to skew importance to the top-liege's role

>> Tweaked martial effect on levies - now base 75%, but each martial point gives 2.5%

>> Increased scale of opinion effect on levies to old vanilla's -50~100 instead of new/old vanilla/LI's 0~100

>> Vassals in your capital's de-jure-duchy give 100% of liege levy, in de-jure-kingdom get 90% of liege levy, and de-jure-empire get 75% of liege levy.

>> Liege levies outside your de jure are 50% smaller (to represent local auxiliaries).

>> Vassal barons in capital-county give 125% of liege levy (to represent efficiency in the capital recruitment).

>> Realm Duress scaling for vassal levies reduced to 2% per tier (previously 2.5%). Vassal tax scaling retained at 2.5%

> Buildings Recalibration:

>> restored and rebalanced all city-holding and patrician-palace buildings

>> cultural military buildings now take a base of 550 days (~1.5yrs) to construct (750days/~2years for temples/cities) and cost 50/87.5/125 for the 1st/2nd/5-7th levels, and cost 1 gold for upkeep per level (1.5 for cities, 0 for temples [for now] )

>> reduced levy size effects of buildings by 10-fold (while tentatively retaining garrison effects, pending an observe game)

>> added a +25% garrison size to Traditions while systematically reducing retinue points from them

>> reduced initial retinue size bonii from all holdings and made the total castle-holding retinue size to 25,000 from 30,000 (most are concentrated around mid-game to very-late-game buildings anyway)

>> nerfed all SELIN-related martial buildings to 25% of previous for feudals and 50% for temples.

>> tweaked Town 1 and Small Bands requirement a bit

>> tweaked Wall/Keep/Stronghold relationships

>> the Keeps now only require level 5 walls

>> replaced the Defence System requirement for Military Settlers to Defence Policy, and downgraded it to a level-2 tier while adding a Feudalism requirement to it.

>> downgraded Military Holdings to a level-3 tier

>> Local Assemblies now need Military Settlers 7 instead of Military Holdings 7

>> Removed the feudalism requirement except for the Military Holdings chain, as well as the odd Military Assembly tie-in requirement for Conscription centers

>> Tweaked the Local Judges so that it upgrades from Court and requires >> Magistrates instead of the other way around


> still the occasional bugged localisation and whatnot here and there

> temple holding still not worked on aside from the early tiers (others still locked behind level 8)

> some SELIN events aren't perfectly up to date

> mid-game may be laggier than previously

> not all religions have tooltips

> there seems to be a bug about being hostile with the world - it's unknown if this has been fixed, but it seems to occur with Martial-soul religions

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Я уже опробовал, кстати. Отыграл 10 лет за местного короля Артура Пендрагона. Мод полностью совместим с последней версией игры, никаких багов или вылетов за этот короткий период не было. Конечно, мод


На paradoxplaza автор мода написал 20 июня следующее "Hello citizens of the wonderful forum! I am a member of the Lux Invicta team, and we are a bit compromised right now. Basically, we have tried to


Тем кто еще не умер и не спился в ожидании, тут версию под 3.1 подвезли Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.   И ниже в комментах там фикс какой то Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое.


Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. Вот новая версия, сейчас добавлю в шапку. Самому интересно скачать, посмотреть, есть ли прогресс в моде.


3.2.1, я так понимаю. Уже предыдущая была под последнюю версию. А к V0.6K16 в чейнджлоге пишет: "Further updating to latest base game patches in the common folder" P.S. Почитал комментарии н

Флавий Аниций

Вышло Войдите или зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы увидеть скрытое содержимое. мода.   Changelog: - Many code updates for the common folder and decisions and events - Secret religions for applicable religions - Ass


И так, распаковали архив. Переносите в папку mod файл LuxInvicta.mod Переносите в папку mod папку LuxInvicta  Получается так: mod/LuxInvicta.mod mod/LuxInvicta/файлы мода


Lux Invicta     Этот мод позволяет нам взглянуть на один из многих вариантов развития истории Европы, а следовательно дает возможности, которых не было в оригинальных

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